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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Commercial license inquiry

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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 01:32
Has there been any new information on when the commercial license may becoma available or what it's price might be?

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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 01:33
Has there been any new information on when the commercial license may become available or what it\'s price might be? I simply want an idea please.

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 13th Apr 2005 08:57
It was $500 for a licence to make a game with The 3D Game Maker. Go from that. I'm assuming that with what tgc has planned for v1 that the price will be high. like... uhh... maybe $1,000 or $1,500. That is a lot but then thats what I said about T3DGM license.

I know I won't buy it if it is over $1,000
John Jack
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Posted: 16th Apr 2005 01:56
Whoa, hold the train. There was a single license available for about $100. Please don't scare people away with high prices. THey probably do that for FPSC.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 16th Apr 2005 02:03
No price has yet been confirmed and won't be until the program is finished. Not even "ballpark" figures.

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John Jack
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Posted: 16th Apr 2005 16:15
I meant for 3d Game Creator. Didn't mean to offend.

"Sometimes standing up for your friends means killing a whole lot of people" -Dwight, Sin City
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 17th Apr 2005 03:40
@john jack
ohh. sorry dude. Didnt mean to start a fight. I accidentally said $500. I meant $100. But it is $500 for a license to make as many games that you want to sell.

I was just stating my own oppinion. Famdylan said he wanted an idea. So I told him What I though it might me.

DA ChieF
Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 18th Jun 2005 12:16
there aint one

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 19th Jun 2005 10:37
There wasn't when this thread was started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You sutch a friggin idiot!!!!!!!! It started in april THIS IS JUNE!!!!!!!
Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 20th Jun 2005 04:20
well sorry i forgot to mention "any more", "its been removed", and other ways of making it clear. and ur an *** *ole

Heven doesn't want me and Hell's afraid i'll take over
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 20th Jun 2005 16:26
Ohh... Thanks for nick naming mee. Sorrry. I was mad at the time It's alllllll good man.
Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 20th Jun 2005 16:43
ok, then i'm all good over here. do you think that anyone will realy use FPSC to create a commercial quality game?

my location is in a girls destenation, do you get what i mean or do you need a demenstration??
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 21st Jun 2005 10:55
Yah. Someone That makes scripts in his free time.

(if you know what I mean)
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Posted: 21st Jun 2005 12:06
Making a commercial quality game is perfectly possible with FPSC.

It depends on what your definition of Commercial Quality is as to whether or not it meets a particular persons definition.

There are all kinds of people who buy or play all kinds of games. Some people will play anything as long as its free and will just play something once and then look for the next free one.

There are some who will even pay for a game that you may not think of as a Commercial quality game - if it looks like its fun and theres enough of a game to keep a player happy for a while so that they feel they are getting some value for their money.

If a person sells one game then you could say its commercial quality, but if you refer to Commercial Quality as being a game that one would normally purchase at a game store of some kind even a low end game, then its very difficult to get a game displayed in such circumstances and it would need to be the best that FPSC is capable of producing needing a great deal of investment in time if not financial resource. You would have to push FPSC features to all of their limits using them all and all of your skills, knowledge and resources - now and those that may come in future versions to make something that even comes close to a true low budget Commercial Title. You might even exceed it but its likely to take a combined effort with the skills of a number of people to achieve it, calling on the skill and dedication of the best FPSC developers around. A team could stand a chance but indie teams tend to argue too much and fail - you need a group of like minded people who fit well together who are ALL in for a long haul - not like forum members who seem to always want to fight constantly with one another for some strange reason. Once a team starts to argue about anything at all amonst themselves its finished as someones never going to be happy. If you have to constantly keep chopping and changing team members youll never get your game finished. For an FPSC game to really be called Commercial Quality It would also have to have a similar amount of Gameplay content - like a DVD full and at FPSC file size you wont get much on one of those (really too much for a download currently so you will have to ship on DVD). - If you can then thats a whole lot of FPSC development at Commercial Quality content - Youll need to be fit and healthy to see it finished - it should be ready somnetime after Longhorn V12 or whatever comes after that - if the computers of that time will even run your game by then. Your 32 bit code wont be of much use shortly, so will have to wait for FPSC V++ or whatever running in 64 bit or greater.

Perhaps the best way to sell a game is as many will do and that is via the internet - people are willing to buy games more freely online despite there being much available freely to download and you can give them the opportunity to see what its all about - that you wont get any other way - you dont have to beg anyone to display it as in a store and you dont have to take what you are given as payment. You will have costs to bear of course though obviously. Bandwidth is expensive, but if you dont get many visitors or sales then you wont need much will you?

To sell games as Commercial Quality online you need a Commercial Quality website - where you can display - your Commercial Quality Screenshots, Videos, Game Info and FREE Commercial Quality Demo. You could and should display info regarding your game as its development progresses and if you dont make sure that everything you do and show to others along the way is of Commercial Quality then you will never make it. You should never release anything public in a hurry until it reaches a level of Quality befitting your aims. If you want low end thats OK - If you want your game to be seen as of a high standard then everything must reflect that.

At the forum here we understand of course things have to have a development stage but joe public - the buyer of your game will judge your game by what they see.

I could have just said - yes >

arnt you lucky

Dont answer that

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 21st Jun 2005 13:53
Wow you type a lot!!! I haven't read it yet but I will.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 21st Jun 2005 13:59
ok I read it. I totally agree. I just meant that you would have to spend lots of time to push FPSC to its limits. Or for a fun low quality game. I mean.....a game is good as long as you and others enjoy it.

I'm starting to not understand what I am typing
Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 21st Jun 2005 14:55
lol, me to

my location is in a girls destenation, do you get what i mean or do you need a demenstration??
Retired Moderator
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2005 05:07
me too - I type too much............

because I dont have anything I can do with FPSC other than some test stuff since my levels refuse to load any more content - I'm on stop til V1 basically and hope that that fixes my problems. If not I wont be typing much around here at all I guess.

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2005 09:43
He he! It's ok. I guess we all are a bit Wierd. (if thats the right way to put it)
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2005 01:34
Did you not read what I posted four posts earlier? Why don't you read it again.

Why cant we just lock this thread. Mod!!!!!!!!!

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Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2005 04:00
he's pissed again)

cause we are having fun!

my location is in a girls destenation, do you get what i mean or do you need a demenstration??
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2005 04:56
I know. Us and are evil plans! Muah Ha Ha HA HAAAAA!

Submit your stick figure animations or games at
Dory The Cable Guy
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2005 06:10

my location is in a girls destenation, do you get what i mean or do you need a demenstration??

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