Not sure if im doing something stupid or if its a bug. I have been trying to use dbIntersectObject() to position a model on the floor (which is made up out of planes) and I do this by raising my player 30 units from where they were then calling an intersectobject from their point to 100 units below them and move the character down by the distance returned by intersectObject.
Except what happens is my player model stays fixed where it is without moving at all (im guessing IntersectObject() is returning 0) even if i walk off the ground planes and into nothingness. If i however i change the intersect call to look 100 units ABOVE the player instead of below then she falls into infinity forever.
take a look at this code:
dbPositionObject(PlayerChar.IdleObj, PlayerChar.x, PlayerChar.y + 30, PlayerChar.z);
float FloorY = dbIntersectObject (PlayerChar.IdleObj, PlayerChar.x, PlayerChar.y, PlayerChar.z, PlayerChar.x, PlayerChar.y - 100, PlayerChar.z);
PlayerChar.y = PlayerChar.y - FloorY;
dbPositionObject(PlayerChar.IdleObj, PlayerChar.x, PlayerChar.y, PlayerChar.z);
now have i written something stupid in there? or is this a bug?
this has been bugging me -alllll- day ><;
[07:16:59-pm] « Sephnroth » you were dreaming about lee...
[07:17:13-pm] « Mouse » stfu
[07:17:22-pm] « Mouse » he was hanging himself lol