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FPSC Classic Product Chat / A place to display screenshots

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Joined: 13th Feb 2005
Posted: 19th Apr 2005 13:26
Is anybody interested in displaying their screenshots on a web like this.

I couldn't find a place to show images without having to jump through a bunch of hoops and get a bunch of popup ads. So I thought I'd put something together.

Please note..I don't want to be a forum or a place to download content. FPSCreator and FPSCreators already do those things quite well. This would only be to display screenshots of your games or game models. Currently there is a FPSCreator category but, it won't be limited to just that.

Some features of the gallery is search and a user voting system. Might be fun to have the users vote for the best screenshot.

I might also need help with some admin duties.

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