Quote: " Mine is better. Nyah nyah nyah!"
Pfft - mine is more educational...
Quote: "what is the aim of the game, who do you play"
You play (in the greatest role of your life) a faceless and bodyless coporial enitity, able to traverse the Universe without the aid of a spacesuit, and with the ability to move freely (for example "Q" from Star Trek).
Your mission (should you choose to accept it), is to perhaps visit the Sun for a
fake tan, or visit the alien slab around Jupiter and see what its doing today...
As you may have gathered, this program is less a game and more of a rather brilliant (if I may say so) graphical demo a toure de force of the DarkSDK (or whatever its called now) beta; a showcase for my amazing programming talents; and a way of increasing the number of items in the DarkSDK section on my web site.