This dll requires April 2005 DirectX SDK to be installed currently.
If it isn't you will get an error with missing d3dx9_25.dll.
I am looking to rectify this and anyone with any good suggestions please tell me.
Here is a sample of the DBPro Code (with comments)
Rem Project: Text3D
Rem Created: 12/04/2005 23:51:59
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
set display mode 1024,768,32:sync on
Load Dll "DBProSetupDebug.dll", 1
`Get pointer to D3DDevice
CID=Call Dll(1, "?GetDirect3DDevice@@YAPAUIDirect3DDevice9@@XZ")
Rem Set Pointer to DirectxX9 Surface
SetDX9Device CID
Rem Text3D Mesh to Create,Font,Depth,Text
Text3D "Text.x","Arial",.05,"3D Text"
rem Load saved mesh
load mesh "Text.x",1
make object 1,1,0
color object 1,rgb(255,0,0)
turn object left 1,.1
In theory you could create a 3D alphabet and use clone object to replace the text function.
This is still unfinished as I would like to get it to create a DBPro object.
I would welcome any comments.