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Dark GDK / Lack of Communication???? Update? Shaders?? Anything??

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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 08:01
I just feel that there seems to be a lack of communication with the designers of Dark SDK and it's end users. I remember hearing something about and update to the SDK awhile ago, however there doesn't seem to be one. Also the bugs that were posted in the forums under the SDK Bugs Sticky have not been mentioned about being fixed.

Shaders seem to be another topic that seems to be somewhat quiet. I along with several others would like my shader to work in the Dark SDK and not in Dark Basic.

I understand that you are busy. However, I would just like to know that it is actually being worked on and addressed. And maybe even a post saying "I've got this fixed." And last, it'd be nice to know a tenative update release date. And if it gets delayed it'd be nice to know that as well.

This just might be my own frustrations, and maybe I've missed a few posts on the forums explaining these topics and if so I am sorry.

Thanks for creating a cool engine, but please don't leave us Dark SDKers playing left-out.

Mike Johnson
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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 17:53
The new upgrade is currently being tested. All of the fixes included in DB Pro upgrade 5.8 are included plus many more. There's also new functions available.

As soon as more testing has been done I will upload the new installer. We're just looking at a few more days to ensure all is okay.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 18:17
Quote: "SDK Bugs Sticky have not been mentioned about being fixed."

Yes they have.

Erick G
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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 19:32
Quote: "The new upgrade is currently being tested. All of the fixes included in DB Pro upgrade 5.8 are included plus many more. There's also new functions available.

As soon as more testing has been done I will upload the new installer. We're just looking at a few more days to ensure all is okay. "

Awsome, I cant wait for this !

I was one of the testers, but my friggin mail could not receive the beta

It will definately be worth the wait.
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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 20:31
May I ask, how long do you usually put something through testing for? Like do you generally say if its acting stable enough after a week or 2 then we're releasing, or do you play it by ear until every last found bug is out?

[07:16:59-pm] « Sephnroth » you were dreaming about lee...
[07:17:13-pm] « Mouse » stfu
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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 20:38 Edited at: 21st Apr 2005 20:39
Yeah, I can't wait, from what I've read in these forums (from the Beta testers and Devs) it will be a great improvment for the DarkGame (dgSDK) users! (beside the fixed bugs)

( So it will be ready for downloading in June... ? )

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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 20:39
Quote: "I was one of the testers, but my friggin mail could not receive the beta"

See my planets demo in the WIP for an example of what can be done with the Beta.

Erick G
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Posted: 21st Apr 2005 23:39
awsome, will check now, thanks !
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 04:05
GREAT! Thanks a ton for the info... is there any word if the shader issues have been fixed?

Erick G
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 17:20
I am getting a bleeding dxxxxx.dll not found rubbish, will look at it tonight again.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 18:30
Yes, the DarkSDK is currently using t'new DX system

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Erick G
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 19:06
can i just install the feb sdk ? or do I have to pull magic as in the 5.8 db pro upgrade ?
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 19:34 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2005 19:35
I dont think the Feburary SDK one will work - only April onwards...

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Erick G
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 20:04
oh crud man

now I have to download that one

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 20:09
Yeah, I was already installing the febraury update when I saw that the April one was just available for download
I hope you don't have dial-up

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Erick G
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 21:10
heh, I do have dialup
scooby bloke
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 21:36
Your planets demo does not work for me. Get a d3dx9_25.dll not found error message, (I'm using the latest dx9 runtime as well).
Erick G
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:13
Quote: "Your planets demo does not work for me. Get a d3dx9_25.dll not found error message, (I'm using the latest dx9 runtime as well). "

Have you not read what we have been talking about ?
scooby bloke
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:26 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2005 22:27
All I have read in the above is that it's using the new sdk dx system (whatever that is) and that you were getting a similar problem (although you didn't mention the actual name of the dll).

Surely, this should only affect compilation though, and running the pre-compiled exe (as in the planets example above) should work with the latest and greatest version of the dx runtime?
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:37
Quote: "running the pre-compiled exe (as in the planets example above) should work with the latest and greatest version of the dx runtime"


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scooby bloke
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:40
Interesting. Is this dll a new one (part of the sdk) which is to be shipped with the update, and which we have to ship with our games then?
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:42
It depends if DarkSDK will resort to the old DX system when the update comes out...

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scooby bloke
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:49
Fair enough. Would have been interesing to see your planets demo running though...
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 22:52
The SDK will go back to DX 9.0c from last year just like DB Pro so this won't be a problem.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 23:01
Ah fair enough - did you get my e-mail regarding various problems ?

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 23:49
Hmm, well, I did download the planet demo and it runs on my system.
DX9.0c (+April SDK) installed;
WinXP Pro installed;
VC++ 6 installed;
dgSDK final (the "normal/old" one, not the new beta) installed

Though, its too fast on my system heh.
(especially the smaller planets, they rotate that fast, one could think its a flickering line heh)

Question: The "new DX system" you're talking about... is it XNA?
Or what is it all about?

*slightly confused*
--Smithy / DaB

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 23:51 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2005 23:58
It is processor independant - the display trys to go as fast as possible, with the high-resolution timer controlling the speed for everything. Dont forget the inner planets do rotate quicker than the others.

And did you find the slab around Jupiter ? I tried to make it shiny (using one of the shader commands, but it kept disappearing). It may be a bug - have to look at that.

What FPS were you getting, by the way ?

Quote: "New DX"

I was refering to the April DX SDK

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 00:01 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2005 00:03
Hmmm, fps,.. lemme remember,
I think I have had an fps of 1000... or was it 100...
I will post the exact number when I am back in my codercave.

Hmm, if you really do control the animation/rotation with a
timer,.. then its too fast to look fine. (at least for me)
Or do you use a realistic approach to get the speed?
(I don't mean the speeds compared to each other (planet/planet))

Also, when I move the camera, I can barely touch the keys and
the camera is already out of the (black sphere) universe.
So, camera movement is also too fast.

*scanning the universe for the jupiter fx*
(can't remember to have seen it, but I will check when I am back in my cave)


//Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott; 800Mhz FSB; Hyperthreading; WinXP Pro (!XP2); ATI R9700PRO; 1024MB RAM (2x 512MB "DualChanneled"; VC++ 6.0; Delphi; ADSL;
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 00:09 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2005 00:23
Umm - the keys dont move the camera around - L&R mouse buttons do, and they are linked to the computer speed as well.

If you can give me the two values (where it says Speed), that will be useful.

On a P4 2.4Ghz Intel machine the values vary beween 0.1 and 0.2 (80-90) FPS. It varies 'cos I'm compiling a whole lot of programs.
800Mhz Windows 2000 machine (with an internal Intel "graphics" card)it ran smoothly at 0.06 (25FPS). There were a whole load of graphical errors, and no music, but it did run...

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 01:06
Ok, here the values:
Speed is 1.0000 and FPS is >300.

Yes, sorry, I was remembering wrong, the mousebuttons do move the camera forward/backward, but very, very fast,
also the camera-movement with the mouse is too fast for me.
I can't position the camera with ease.

Also, there are some planets that rotate very very fast so it
looks like a graphic error (flickering).

[Screenshot attached]
I can see the five larger planets.
The small ones, I can only see flickering as they are rotating very fast.
Also, there is something strange near the Sun (to the right on the screenie), it looks like a grey slash (/). This one isn't moving (or very slowly).

Probably it is not working correct on my system,
because, I can't hear the mp3 too.


//Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott; 800Mhz FSB; Hyperthreading; WinXP Pro (!XP2); ATI R9700PRO; 1024MB RAM (2x 512MB "DualChanneled"; VC++ 6.0; Delphi; ADSL;


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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 01:43
The grey slab just sits there.
You've got one powerful computer there (haven't tried it on my one as its being repaired).
It seems like the timer step values will need changing.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 01:46 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2005 01:49
Well, its only a singlecore engine

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 04:49 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2005 05:07
Can you try the new executable - I've had to change the speed calculating routine (the previous one was only for the low-level timer). It should be a more reasonable speed.

You will have to download the program again - for some reason attachments arent working.

Music is position dependant. The closer you are to a certain blue policebox, the louder it is.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 06:06
Ok, I did download it again (from your site).
It seems to be worse now.
Faster than the first version

The values: (snapshot)
Speed: [10.4731]/[311]

//Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott; 800Mhz FSB; Hyperthreading; WinXP Pro (!XP2); ATI R9700PRO; 1024MB RAM (2x 512MB "DualChanneled"; VC++ 6.0; Delphi; ADSL;
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 06:29
Does it also list a camera Y position ? If not, could you download it again.

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 07:01 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2005 07:11
No Y position, will try again...

//EDIT seems to be the same version as before.

(I go to the link from your tag and "DarkSDK" -> Planets Demo)

//Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott; 800Mhz FSB; Hyperthreading; WinXP Pro (!XP2); ATI R9700PRO; 1024MB RAM (2x 512MB "DualChanneled"; VC++ 6.0; Delphi; ADSL;
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 07:36
Try now - I hadn't uploaded...

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 07:53

I think it runs now as intended...
...but didn't found the shiny thing

[Screenshot attached]


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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2005 07:59 Edited at: 23rd Apr 2005 08:01
Unfortunately I haven't worked out how to make the slap shiny (its just dull grey, and in the picture, straight ahead).
At least the speed is correct now

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