a tank model for my upcoming game "iron maiden", its a fictional ww2 teamatic game of hack and slash, something like "Metal Slug goes 3D", but you aint fighting axis in this game, thow theyre german,
i think i got confused now
anyways, its a low poly tank, 201 quad faces, will end up with 603 tri faces after conversion for dbp engine.
it was suposed to have 2 texture maps, one for main body and one for torret, i dont know what went trhow my head but i did a very lamme mistake and did it all in one (i wish we could have better uv commands in dbp), so the turret ended a little blurry due to uvmap space, lost 3 days on this one, about a total of 10/11 hours on it, no concept, i just looked at some tank pics and invented this one, i think its ok for my first tank model, cheers, tell me what u think