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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPSC V 1.0 Questions ?

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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 04:10
Hi I Was Waiting On V 1.0 To Buy It. And Was Wondering What Major Changes Are Going On With V 1.0 Is The Graphics Engine Being Over Hauled Can We Use Hands On Weapons Now Etc Can We See BF1942 Or Call Of Duty Engines Etc.
Swivel Games
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Posted: 28th Apr 2005 10:11

You if you look in the feature creep forum you might be able to find questions that have answers to them.

Alien-ite is now swivel Games.
Van B
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 04:05
You should be able to use hands as long as you can model them yourself - you'd make them part of the weapon model. Once my FPS game is released I'll be rigging my armed weapon models (uzi, rpg, shotty, SVD, frag, and mines) for FPSC and uploading them with the characterFX files; should be a decent little pack when it's done.


Quote: "How could I condescend you?, you don't even know what it means!"

Van-B's mom.
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 10:37
Well If Anyone Here Has Ever Used 3D Game Studio Id Like FPS Creator To Turn Out Like That As The Final Product Top End Engine Good Scripting Etc. Modeling Hand Is No Problem....
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 23:47

How in the world are all your words the first letter being Capitalized? Are you doing that on purpose? my boomstick!
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Posted: 30th Apr 2005 09:37
LOL Its just a habbit but id love to see whats comming in FPSC V1.0
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Posted: 9th May 2005 06:39
Are we thinking about the same 3D game creator tool, here?

The one from this company, right?

...It contains NO scripting. Zero. Zilch.

(If I've got the wrong product, ignore rest of this rant)

As for the 'hands on weapons', you do indeed just model the hands on the weapons. All games generally use this trick (Half-Life 2, XIII, etc.).

..And you say in your first post:

Quote: "Is The Graphics Engine Being Over Hauled [...] Can We See BF1942 Or Call Of Duty Engines"

No, because even this would mean the whole engine would be replaced, which would put the last 1-3 years of work down the drain, plus the fact that the guys who make these engines won't give 'em away for free, if they will AT ALL.

You have everything you need to make perfect levels (have we got normal maps yet?) that run quickly.

If the graphics look crappy, that's because you're crappy (or your texturing is, or, well, there's some crap along the line ^_^)

Oh yeah, and 'habbit' has one 'b' and 'comming' has one 'm'.

Don't you capitfhwqalize at *ME* ever again

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Van B
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Posted: 9th May 2005 21:46
FPSC is entirely scripted, everything that goes into the game can have it's script edited - but I think Soma was meaning the ability to script cut-scenes rather than the object and entity handling.


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Posted: 13th May 2005 03:20
Will there be new entities as well as the ones in EA, or will there be totally new entities in V1?

E=MC²: Energy= Mass x The speed of light squared. That means that a glass of water can power a whole city...Problem being getting it out.
Average Joe
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Posted: 17th May 2005 11:38
Quote: "Oh yeah, and 'habbit' has one 'b' and 'comming' has one 'm'.
Don't you capitfhwqalize at *ME* ever again
How's my typing? Phone 0800-GO-TO-HELL"

Toll Free Numbers Start With '1' Not '0'
Please Don't Tell *ME* To Go To Hell Ever Again.

"Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly."

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