I needed a RIGHTMOUSEDOWN event, and it's not in the constants file. I found a more comprehensive list, including Middle Mouse and Double-Clicks for anyone in need...
#constant MOUSEWHEEL 0x20A
#constant MOUSE_MOVE 0x200
#constant MOUSE_CLICK 0x202
#constant LEFTBUTTON_DOWN 0x201
#constant LEFTBUTTON_UP 0x202
#constant LBUTTONDBLCLK 0x203
#constant RIGHTMOUSE_CLICK 0x205
#constant RIGHTBUTTON_DOWN 0x204
#constant RIGHTBUTTON_UP 0x205
#constant RBUTTONDBLCLICK 0x206
#constant MBUTTON_DOWN 0x207
#constant MBUTTON_UP 0x208
#constant MBUTTONDBLCLICK 0x209
#constant GADGET_TIMER 0x113
#constant MENU_CLICK 0x111
#constant TOOLBAR_CLICK 0x111
#constant HOTKEY 0x312
#constant KEYDOWN 0x100
#constant KEYUP 0x101
#constant COMBOBOX_CHANGE 0x111
#constant TREEVIEW_CHANGE 0x111
#constant LOSEFOCUS 0x8
#constant GADGET_SIZING 0x214
#constant GADGET_SIZE 0x5
#constant WINDOW_CLOSE 0x10