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Dark GDK / VS 6 Link Error (Yes tried faq)

Whisper Wind
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 15:24
The linking error that is so easily fixed for everyone else by downloading the DX extra files does not work for me I have uninstalled/reinstalled everything at least once, this thing just *does not want to work*. I have looked at every post I could find on the topic and tried their solution. It did not work. The only thing I could think of is that the I am using the introductory edition of VS 6. However, this is hasn't troubled me in the past. Anyone have any suggestions? This is really disappointing.

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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 18:03
What are the exact linker errors you are getting?
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 20:20 Edited at: 29th Apr 2005 20:23
I have also described a linking error in a thread 2 days ago (with Terrain.lib). I have e-mailed Mike as suggested by the moderator Bouncy Bricks but got no answer up to now.
I have installed SDK update and the DirectX runtime update (not the full SDK because there is no more support for VC6 since October 2004 release). I can successfully link programs that do not use Terrain.lib, so this does not seem to be a general problem with SDK/DirectX. Everything compiled and linked well with SDK 1.0. After just installing DirectX and SDK update and correcting functions that had changed spelling or parameters in sdk1.1, my application compiles but cannot by linked ("external link error.. see my previous post"). I have tried with my other computer (Win2K instead of XP) and the problem is the same. Looks like there is a mismatch between declarations in DarkSDKTerrain.h and what is in the .lib ? I use VC6.

Has anybody else the same problem, or is it myself-specific ?

Thanks in advance.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 29th Apr 2005 20:28
I emailed Mike about the terrain problem too - at least he cant claim he hasn't heard about the problem

Calm down dear! Its only an election...
Whisper Wind
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Posted: 30th Apr 2005 12:16
Unfortunately the link errors are the common ones 'solved' in the first post of the faq. Here they are:

LIBCD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
Debug/Main.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I really have no idea why i still keep getting these, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have. Thank you!

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Posted: 30th Apr 2005 14:06
take us through the steps you do to setup vc6 for darksdk, maybe we can see where its going wrong tell us what you do and in what order - if you patch please tell us the filenames of the patches/updates you are using. Just helps us think up stuff

Did you update vc++6 with the service pack? (sp5 i think.. or is it sp6?) can you even update the introductory edition with a service pack?

[07:16:59-pm] « Sephnroth » you were dreaming about lee...
[07:17:13-pm] « Mouse » stfu
[07:17:22-pm] « Mouse » he was hanging himself lol
Whisper Wind
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Posted: 3rd May 2005 13:29
Alright guys thanks so much for the help so far, here's what I did and I actually got a new error:

1. Completely uninstalled everything.
2. Installed the introductory edition.
3. Applied sp6 which seemed to work properly on the introductory edition (as in files were copied there).
4. Installed DX9 october edition.
5. Downloaded october edition extras and copied the three library files from it and did an overwrite on the files in DX9.
6. Installed the DarkSDK.
7. Apllied DarkSDK 1.1 patch.

I attempt to build this code:

When I do that, I get some new errors i didn't have before:

I created a new DarkGame SDK AppWizard project or whatever its called to build this. The DX library and include files are above the SDK files in the linking order or whatever the terminology is. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions from people who know this a little better than I do. Thanks!

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Posted: 15th May 2005 03:53
I couldn't use Visual C++ 6.0 with the SDK. I had to buy Visual C++ .net and now everything far.

Derik Wilson

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