Leavesdon Studios literally 5mins walk away from here and pretty open
Dad used to work there when it was Rolls Royce (which was cool cause i gotta see alot of small aircraft and engines), but got to know all the little holes in where you can get in - they build a new bypass around the area and closed a good few off ... but you can still get in from Evergreen Manor
And have a friend who's sister did the animal care/training for Harry Potter2 - she's still there looking after animals, and i thought that there wasn't to be a 3rd movie yet. lol but i dunno
I remember the set to Goldeneye was open to the members of the public, you could like take paid tours around - which was pretty sweet ... walked down that Moscow highstreet which its hard to believe sometimes that the buildings and even overpass are simply painted.
Got to clamber around the inside of that ship, with everything all kitted out in a single hanger - so you had the ship one side, i think it was the goldeneye labs the other... then you walked into another hanger where they had setup a section of satillite dish
which was cool, cause say Peice Brosnen ... or atleast we were told it was him, we weren't really close enough to tell - hehee and that woman too.
Went down the dish on those funny trailer things that mechanics go under cars with.
i was like 13-14 at the time i say it all, i thought it was all pretty sweet
i don't think i'd like to work on sets, but i'd certinaly like to be there just as like someone who does nothing, perhaps maybe chafuer the stars around in those nifty golf cart things. That was another funny thing which from what i'm told they still use the old towcars.
Cause like they had towcars in there which you'd hook up to and engine or a plane and wheel it to somewhere else or taxi to the runway... well for Goldeneye, alot of people were still working there at the time - so some equippment seen in the film and such were actually what was in everyday use. Remember they converted like 4 of the towcars with extra seats - was cool
The one and only time i've been on a film set... well one for an actual film. All the rest have been for games, and its so boring cause your' expected to work and have input
Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!