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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Maximum Entities Error

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Posted: 1st May 2005 10:54 Edited at: 1st May 2005 13:59
This ones for someone from TGC I guess?

I seem to be stuck with my FPSC game developemnt.....

I have a City level that refuses to load any further new entities - the editor crashing on trying to place any new entities into the level.

The editor window just empties and turns black - Error Message Dialogue reads : "the application has encountered an error and needs to close" which in itself its not very helpful.

On reloading FPSC and the level the entity which had been attempted to load does not appear in the library as its loading has failed.

This first happened and showed itself when trying to load a door - though it only happens in this particular level which has considerably more entities than any other I am working on. The level will not load "Any" new entity of any kind.

The number of types of entities showing in the level Library is almost 90 types - though some are not used and cant be removed from the library as you will be aware so only around 80 exist in the level.

Total number of individual entities placed in the level are 170 which now seems to be the limit. I was not aware that there was any imposed limit in FPSC but there seems to be a limit anyway unless anyone can suggest another reason why entities wont load. If its a memory limit then its that of FPSC not the system as it should be big enough to make any game with any engine software. Certainly I have other engines I use with hundreds more entities per level than 170.

Specifically this problem does not seem to be a limit on the number of entities in total as if I choose a current existing entity from the Left hand Library and place one in the level I can do so - so I can add further existing entities. The problem is in trying to add another new entity to the Library - If I try and left click in the editor window to place one in the level - FPSC errors, and shuts down back to Windows.

Anyone else yet achieved more than 80 different entities in a level successfully?

FPSC does not seem to have any kind of log file for errors so I do not know where to look for any guide as to where any problem might exist other than just finding FPSC crashes.

Any help is appreciated as I am unable to progress levels further until I can resolve the issue.


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Posted: 3rd May 2005 11:24 Edited at: 3rd May 2005 11:25
Ive been using FPSC for three months since the first hour it went on sale and not had this problem until a couple of days ago, so compatability should not have changed now for any reason.
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Posted: 4th May 2005 21:39
None of those suggestions are the answer to the problems with FPSC as I have just outlined elsewhere in another thread. Not the answer as they are not the root cause - FPSC is.

If a piece of software causes corruption of itself the problem would be re-occurring anyway where a piece of software causes such an error.
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Posted: 5th May 2005 03:06
There shouldn't be a limit as far as I know. Is it possible for you to post your system specs? It could be that you are running out of memory. FPSCreator tends to suck up a lot of memory.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 5th May 2005 03:50
I knew you would say that. Yes of course it may be possible for FPSC to suck up all memory on any system no matter how large. The point is it should not and there are erronous reasons or reasons of inefficiency in the programme for it doing so - thats the point. Some of them known and documented by TGC.

Anyways a guide for you.......

3.4mhz Pentium4 dual processor.
1024gb DDR ram
250gb Hard drive
NVIDIA GEFORCE FX 5700 with 256mb Video Ram
19" flat panel monitor
DirectX 9c
Windows XP home

That system should run it dont you think - it cost enough so it should - if not then I need a Silicon Graphics workstation with quad processors or something eh! No one can be serious that a system spec like that cant run FPSC without problems.

If a person cant run it on a system like that then you might as well give up thinking of distributing anything you make.

Of course under Windows - you can run out of memory anyway if you have been working away all day say with many programmes eating up memory - some of which have faults and do not release memory back to Windows when they should - its not only FPSC - but that has memory handling probs no doubt about that.

Anyway, sooner or later I will isolate all possiblities which I am working towards and may find the solution.

I may resort to a full removal and reinstall as a last resort but having worked with many programs over the years and some that have fallen over completely I would not bank on that being a solution. More likely that FPSC just wont accept loading any more entities for reasons we will never know. Only TGC may I suspect.

I do have a large quantity of textures in the level, which require a large memory consumption - though I am not quite sure what that has to do with entity loading - as I can load more segments with additional textures its just entities refuse to load.

Placing as many entities as I want of currently available ones in the library is no problem.

FPSC just has its head done in I recon.

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Posted: 7th May 2005 22:41
FPSC Editor has a problem loading entities...simple as that

Rob K
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Posted: 9th May 2005 00:59
Send a copy of the level to Lee (with any additional media), and let him chew it over -

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Posted: 12th May 2005 01:18
Rob K,

Maybe I may have to if I run out of ideas which I almost have now. Tried a number of things.

There are numerous difficulties in sending the files to Lee. Not least of all the size.

Also I guess I should ask Lee if he would accept it first.

I may have no option but to try - if all else fails - though I have one other idea left to see if I can get a fix - which I doubt.

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Posted: 12th May 2005 01:42
It seems there is a map overload question reported in the bugs list which apparently is not a bug, whats that all about then? at least one other user has found themselves with the impossiblity of adding objects to a level, though the error received as a result is different that of myself.

Does FPSC have an overload limit?

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