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Dark GDK / VS.NET 2003 question...

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Posted: 4th May 2005 13:32
Whenever a file dialog box appears in VS.Net 2003, like additional includes or libraries, they are paifully slow. Really painfully slow to find a file or folder. Anyone else run into this, or better yet have a solution?

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 4th May 2005 17:06
VS 7 is slow for things like that - its surprising there have been no updates for it.

However, what does this have to do with DarkSDK ?

Calm down dear! Its only an election...
scooby bloke
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Posted: 4th May 2005 20:24
I'm wondering if it might be a memory thing. It's quite speedy on my laptop, but I've got 1gb of memory in there which I suspect helps a lot...
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Posted: 4th May 2005 20:43
Hmm, what computer are you using?
I mean, I didn't notice something like this, but then, like scooby,
I have 1 GB of memory (+dual channeled).

//Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott; 800Mhz FSB; Hyperthreading; WinXP Pro (!XP2); ATI R9700PRO; 1024MB RAM (2x 512MB "DualChanneled"; VC++ 6.0; Delphi; ADSL;
scooby bloke
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Posted: 4th May 2005 20:56 Edited at: 4th May 2005 20:57
The laptop I'm using it on is a Dell XPS Gen2 laptop(1gb memory, 2.1Ghz centrino processor, 256mb 6800 ultra gfx card etc), and on my pc at home I've got it running on a homebuilt 2.5Ghz P4, again with 1gb dram and an ATI X800XT platinum gfx card. Both are running XP Pro with SP2 (all latest updates etc)

Runs pretty fast on both. At least as fast as VS6 did before I upgraded to 2003 I think (I certainly haven't noticed it being any slower).

Like Smithy, I'm wondering if it is your machine slowing things down. Microsoft does tend to "bloat" their software with each new release, requiring ever more capable machines...
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Posted: 4th May 2005 23:53
It must be my system/configuration... I have a P4 2GHZ with 1GB RAM. I wonder if it has to do with when I am not plugged into the network and it has to time out drives it cannot open....
I will pursue this more in the Mocrosoft forums....
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Posted: 5th May 2005 00:32
Quote: " I wonder if it has to do with when I am not plugged into the network and it has to time out drives it cannot open.... "

Good point.
(I've deactivated it at home)

//Pentium IV 3200E/Prescott; 800Mhz FSB; Hyperthreading; WinXP Pro (!XP2); ATI R9700PRO; 1024MB RAM (2x 512MB "DualChanneled"; VC++ 6.0; Delphi; ADSL;
scooby bloke
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Posted: 5th May 2005 01:10
Hmm, mine's almost always connected to the network. SOunds like it might be a possibility

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