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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Turning sections off/on

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Posted: 5th May 2005 01:16
Is there a way to turn whole sections off or on depending on where you are in the level?

Retired Moderator
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Posted: 6th May 2005 08:40
Not from what I can see, so if you mean you want to load and unload resources of any kind (thus saving memory consumption) - I dont think thats a reality at this stage in FPSC development - not sure it ever will be. Maybe a spawn could be developed for entitites to appear (and be removed) only on player proximity or by trigger activation - though I dont see this as possible either right now. It would take some hard coding by TGC I would think. Would be a really useful addition without doubt.

I would not waste any time trying do find a solution to achieve it as I doubt you could, but perhaps TGC may be able to help if they look kindly on such a request. I had a quick look to see if it could be done and was not overly encouraged - I had hoped to have another look again when I get around to it but cant see you can remove and then reinstate objects on the fly. I may be wrong of course?

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