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FPSC Classic Product Chat / A few questions

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Joined: 27th Jan 2005
Posted: 13th May 2005 01:52
I have been doing alot of thinking of late that is why I have alot of questions lol

1)is there a ETA for V1
2)I heard that there would be a video soon that would show of the physics anyone know of one yet?

3)I want my game to have some cool models and such so would it be smart to buy Dark Matter? it looks like it has a lot of cool stuff would it work in FPSC and would the animations work so if i had a car in the game could i have it zoom across my game maybe even make it so if the person jumps in front of it they get hurt or knocked away but mainly could i import the Models easily and could i make there animations work


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Posted: 13th May 2005 03:51

1. It had been suggested earlier at around the time of E.A. that V1 was sheduled for release around June - though that of cpurse was subject to change.
It looks like that June will not be the month of release of V1 and when it will be ready is any bodies guess - I doubt TGC know right now.
If you read Lees diaries you can follow progress - integration of the Physics engine and Multiplayer is still in a state of progress. The New Editor is not yet ready and I guess also that when anything else that is currently being readied or upgraded for inclusion to V1 and all is in place there will still need be a period of testing before release - so I would imagine that a release is still a while off yet.

2. Not as yet

3. Not sure about Dark Matter 2 models - I dont think it will be easy to integrate any complex model not designed specifically by TGC for FPSC into your games and DM2 models were never designed as specifically for FPSC I dont think. It was never designed for such user convenience. Perhaps TGC will eventually make it so, and adding user created new entities and segments and other content will become easier - otherwise one will have to make use of any futher content packs that TGC develop specifically for FPSC or its other software. DM2 models - I guess they could be made to work if you know how (characters I mean) though I dont have them and have not tried.

I see no reason why you would not be able to get your car idea to work - You would need to get your car model into FPSC, which is easy enough and attach the car to a Path - then have it use an enemy script which follows a path and remove references in the script to the car turning to look at the player and any reference to the car having a weapon or shooting at the player. I guess you would have to add into the script some lines of code (read manual) that would force the player away and remove health from the player on collision with the car. That should about do it.

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