Here it is:
` BitMap Text
Function BitmapText(BmText as string,X as integer,Y as integer)
for k = 1 to len(BmText)
C$ = mid$(BmText,k)
sprite BmtCount,X+(k-1)*15,Y,asc(c$)+2000
set sprite priority BmtCount,255
inc BmtCount
next k
As you can see it is a very simply sprite display function.
I used this code to call the function to display the High Scores:
BmtCount = 20000
for j = 1 to 10
BitmapText(str$(j)+". ",280,120+(J*30))
BitmapText(HiScoreName(j)+" ........ ",320,120+(j*30))
next j
If you wanted to use this code then you would have to ensure that each character has an image number equal to its ASCII value+2000 or change the +2000 part of the functions code to then numbers you have.
BmtCount is obviously global and is used as the sprite numbers for all the fonts.
I delete the sprites once they are no longer needed.