I started work on this in DBPro about a month ago. 'The Room' is an FPS inspired by quake. At the moment theres just 1 level and a fixed number of enemies, but when its finished it will include 5 or 6 levels and multiple game types such as fastkills, dodging and a quake inspired overload style mode.
But like i say this demo has 1 level and is a simple deathmatch game against 2 enemies. The current enemies are on what will be the 'easy' difficulty setting. Basically i want to know what you think should be changed to make the game better, and also what you think works well and shouldnt be messed about with.
The demo can be downloaded here (5.3MB);
[href]http://www.freewebs.com/froggiesstuff/The room Demo.zip[/href]
[Edit] its in href tags but it wont act like a link