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Program Announcements / Free Dark Basic Level Editor: Dark Phire

Shadow Light
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2005 16:05 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2005 16:09

Dark Basic Level editor

Dark Phire is a simple and soon to be powerful WYSIWYG level editor for the developement of Dark Basic programs and games. It's designed to speed up the process of creating, designing, and scaling models and levels by allowing developement teams to do so in realtime. This saves time (and brain cells) that could be put to better use writing and tweeking game engines. Also, once the game engine is done, it will allow game designers to expand the number of levels in a game at blazing speeds.

Loads 3ds and x fomat models
Loads DPT(Dark Phire Text) level files
Saves x format models
Saves DPT level files
Saves DBA files containing Dark Basic codes to be used in game

Global positioning, rotating, and scaling of models
Local positioning, rotating, and scaling of models
Pitch correctioning of models

Global positioning, rotating of the viewing camera
Preset camera views(top, bottom, left, right, front, & back)


When working with the "OBJECT TOOLS" or "Camera Controls", you left clik to select the tool you want to use. Then, while holding the right click button, you move the mouse left and right to activate the tool. Simple!

Also, I've got the Fix Object Pivot command with the Objects tool so it will be easy to correctly position and rotate your objects. Just remeber to save your models after using this and before creating your level. Also, reload the corrected model before making and saving a level so that when you load the model later or use the level in your game or in Dark Phire it will be correctly positioned and orientated.

In the next version I will be adding Light Controls, Textures, and object creation tools.

FYI: Dark Phire's GUI is created using nothing but Dark Basic Commands.

Download the self extacting zip Here:
[href] Phire.EXE[/href]
It's about a 1.5MB file

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2005 18:51
[href] Phire.EXE[/href]

hehe will download soon.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2005 19:18
Runtime Error 7006 - Object number illegal at line 658
...after start!

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 5th Jun 2005 07:34
Spaceman, you might want to redownload the program becuase there is only one object in the program and it is internally generated. Also, when you open it there should be 3 files(1 exe and 2 bmp files).

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 8th Jun 2005 18:51
Spaceman, did you finnally get it to work for you?

Stalker, ;P took me a sec to see what ya was heheing about. Your not going to worry me... much... ..heh!

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Metel Artz
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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 06:50
i got the same thing as space man did exept my mouse went over a button without clicking on it!!

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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 06:52
something like pix or fix pivot sorry for the double post but i guess i was noob slapped and i cant eidt my post cuz i caint see it! anyway when my mouse went over the fix pivot thing the error spaceman was talking about came up!!

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Posted: 15th Jun 2005 09:23 Edited at: 15th Jun 2005 09:30
that's pretty good. i'll use it.

wait a second, it isn't working. i keep getting an error when i try to load something, even if i click on a folder in the loader.
Shadow Light
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Posted: 15th Jun 2005 16:40
hmmm, I'm going to regroup all of the media and then save it as a zip insted of a rar. I think it might be getting curruped when it is zipped.

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Posted: 17th Jun 2005 01:32
OK, so i've been inspired by NG''s return and struggle so I spent the whole nite doing some bug fixing and preventing and then repacked everything. It's still a rar file but not a self-extracting one so you will need Winrar or some other zip program capable of extracting it. Hopefully, this will fix the problems reported earlier and allow everyone to put this editor to the test and decide if it lives up to it's name and claim to fame.

Download the latest version here:

[href] PHIRE.rar[/href]

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2005 11:49
So has anyone gotten Dark Phire to work on thier comp yet?

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Posted: 22nd Jun 2005 18:25
when i clicked on Save then Blank, it said sound already exists at line... 181 IIRC

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 24th Jun 2005 15:36
Sorry about that qwe,
I added the sound after I had done a complete test of the rest of the functions and forgot to test loading a blank level. Also, I didn't test it to ensure that it works how I need it. So I've learned to valuable lessons:

1. Test, Test, Retest your entire program after adding new funtions, abilities, or accessories.

2. Don't celebrate finishing a program by adding new code at the last minute(especially if your doing this litterally).

I'm going to remove the sound code and upload the stable code first thing next week. I've got a family reunion this weekend and with my weak 56k(really 28k) connection, even a 1.5Mb upload takes a week.

However, with that one bug aside, did you find Dark Phire helpfull, promising, or just a waste of hard drive space?

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Posted: 24th Jun 2005 16:55
Nice little editor, I like the GUI you made, black and red, my favorite colors , one minor inconvenience I spotted. Not really a bug, just an inconvenience, when you clock "Load", its locked until you pick an option. You cant say click somewhere else on the screen and have it close the option panel.

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Posted: 2nd Jul 2005 16:40
hey SL , what installing program did you use to add an installation to your software ?

pls reply---
Zero Blitzt
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2005 09:43
Very nice. There were some problems with the GUI (I went to save and afterwards I couldnt save again, buttons didnt respond often, etc.) but still pretty nice. Just one question: How do I export DBA files?

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Jake Blues
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Posted: 4th Jul 2005 02:00
It looks really cool but that mouse clicking noise is really annyoing

Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 4th Jul 2005 10:11 Edited at: 4th Jul 2005 10:40
just "annyoing"?

Putz griller nesse som, mano!

I changed that!!! =]
Just put an empty sound file in its place

sorry, man.. Your interface is really great! But you can make a sound much better clapping your tongue near the microphone =DDD

Keep up... really nice

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Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 4th Jul 2005 10:24 Edited at: 4th Jul 2005 10:56
I have something to help you, Shadow Light!!!

Look at this..

Or something like that... The idea is the most important...
This way the actions (including the sound play) are gonna play only one time per click

if mouseClick()=1 THEN play sound 1

the program repeats many times and verifies each loop if the mouse is down.. if it is, THEN play sound

I remember when I started with Flash.. damn of "onPress" command.. I didn't want a "onRelease" command, cuz I wanted the actions playing ONE time when I just press, not being nessessary to release the mouseButton... I did suffer very much with this...

Hope that helps...

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 6th Jul 2005 14:21
Sorry for long lag in responding, I added a FPS and polygon counter and realized just how slow DBP internal 2D commands are. So I've been developing Flash based GUI that is identical to the current one as much as posible. Hopefully this will get the FPS above 20 with no models loaded (Yes it is actually running that slow). Which explains why buttons dont activate sometimes when pressed.

I will be fixing that shortly. I haddn't noticed it before becuase I was only clicking on those commands to test them, but it wont take too much.

I used WinRar to create a self-extracting compressed file so that even if someone doesn't have WinRar they can still download and install Dark Phire. Keeps everyone from having to download 10 Mbs instead of just 1.5 Mbs.

Zero Blitz,
I think I now what is happening and will check my code, But if you tryed to save it by the same name then It wont do It yet. I didn't think about saving and then saving it again after further editing so Im going to fix that as well. Also, to make a DBA file all you have to do is create a file to write to. Then use the WRITE STRING command to save the code that you want like this.

Of course what commands you write to the file is up to you but this should help you get started. Also, if used properly, these commands can be used to create saves in you game or program.

Neodragon & Louiz ofRohr,
Sorry for annoying you, I was tring to add the sound as a conformation tone that the command you where trying to use was actually activated. However, for some reason, DBP will activate everything associated when mouseclicking, but will not always change the variables to reflect the approriate values needed to activate the functions like it is suppost to. However, I also think it might be a side effect of low FPS. So rest ashured, I'm working on it.

I will hopefully have something ready by this weekend.

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Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 7th Jul 2005 14:28 Edited at: 7th Jul 2005 14:39
You can use one variable array to say if the activate value
for that button is 0 or 1..
something like:

Of course I know you know how to do it

But I'm just worthless now... I'm really liking this thread =]

By the way, "already in use command detection".. very
good windows application conception.. You're good in this =DDD

I'll keep an eye here...

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Posted: 8th Jul 2005 05:42
I want Dark Phire it sounds so awesome and looks so cool.

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 10th Jul 2005 08:19
Well first things first, I've been testing the use of flash buttons instead of using DBP 2D commands and found out something interesting. I actually got a speed boost of 20+ FPS just by unreming the GOSUB command that contains the Flash Plugin Code. So we'll see how this turns out. I'm running into a minor problem with using the flash plugin and once that is ironed out I will be able to go full steam with the rebuild.

In the meantime,
I am going to refocus on fixing the existing version of DarkPhire so that people wont have to be anoyed by the chord of deaf, and fix the save as same problems. Should be done by Monday, so keep an eye out.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2005 07:18
Shadow Light , pls make a help file for your software , it looks nice but its useless , teach me how to use it !

Pls email the help file to , or just post it here .

pls reply---
Shadow Light
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2005 14:38
Quote: "
When working with the "OBJECT TOOLS" or "Camera Controls", you left clik to select the tool you want to use. Then, while holding the right click button, you move the mouse left and right to activate the tool. Simple!

Well Keemo, the quote above covers the basics of the controls and all of the commands work in a simular manner. For example, lets move an object that has been loaded up.

1. First you left click on the axis you wich to control. Lets say the X axis.
2. Next you move the mouse into the middle of the screen.
Now you simply hold down the right mouse button while moveing the mouse left or right and the model will move fast or slow in relation to how fast you move the mouse along the X axis.
3. Then you simply release the right mouse button when you have finished moving the model or you want to move the mouse back into the middle of the screen before moving it some more.
4. When your done moving the model along the X axis, you simply left click somewhere within the work zone or on the x axis Positioning button and that will deactivate the Position X fuction.

Now lets say you want to move the object along all three axises at once. You would simply left click on all three axises and then repeat steps 2 - 4. The same goes for all of the the rest of the movement and rotation related fuctions.

Hope this helps answer your question and sorry for the long delay in replying. I've only been able to get online on the weekend mostly so keeping up to date is a little challanging right now. I'm sorry.

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Mike P
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Posted: 26th Jul 2005 19:38
I thought that the concept of what it should and will do when it is completely ironed out is quite good.

However, alot of the buttons take a while to do what they should and some require lots of clicks to get it to realise what it's doing.

I also feel that it needs to be simplified so that users can easily work out how to use things.

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 29th Jul 2005 08:38
Right now I am working on using Accode's Flash dll for the interface so that everything is more reliable. This will make the program very stable and reliable. Plus, I can easily use flash to create a very interactive help file. I just wish I had more time for programing right now, but the new and improved Dark Phire will be available soon.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2005 17:33 Edited at: 19th Aug 2005 17:34
Looks great keep going

What day will it be aviable?

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 21st Aug 2005 07:39
I'm shooting for Dark Phire to be ready by Aug 23rd 2005. I'm very close to finishing the improved version which will fix the problems memtioned above as well as add a nice surprise. So stay tuned.

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Megaton Cat
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2005 01:07
Is grid-snapping included in this? I absolutly need this.


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Shadow Light
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Posted: 25th Aug 2005 23:07
Megaton Cat
Unfortunetly Dark Phire doesn't have grid snapping at this time, but I have added it to the future features list.

I'm working hard on getting the new and improved Dark Phire finnished which has taken a little longer than projected, becuase I have rewritten the entire program from nearly scratch to work with Accode'
s Flash Plugin, which is turning out to be the Bizzomb. I would go into more details, but I'm being drawn by the passion of programing. Soon, very very soon, Dark Phire will be ready for rerelease. Sooon!

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 27th Aug 2005 03:50
Good News and Bad News.
This is a beta version of Dark Phire and is therefore not fully functional. I am releasing this version of the program to help spot any bugs and to test the improved controls. Also, I have added frame rate controls which have not yet been intergrated into the GUI.
Press "o" to set the sync rate to -0-
Press "p" to set the sync rate to 30
I have included a movement indicator to show the change that is being made to the currently selected object, as well as a polygon counter.

Known Bugs:
The camera tools are not perfected yet so please bear with any glitches, which should be minor.

Have fun and feel free to post any suggestions on TGC program annoucement forum.

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Shadow Light
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Posted: 27th Aug 2005 05:30

Download the self extacting zip Here:
It's about a 1.5MB file

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Garfield rules
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2005 21:46 Edited at: 3rd Sep 2005 00:40
Will this editor work for DBC, or only Pro? It looks good, but I want to know if it'll work for DBC before downloading it, since I don't have Pro.

Edit: The url you provided doesn't work.
Shadow Light
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Posted: 4th Sep 2005 05:05
Garfield rules,
Yes, Dark Phire is DBC compatible and sorry about the incorrect link above, here is the correct one.

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