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Dark GDK / Transparency with pngs

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Joined: 13th Jul 2003
Location: Spain
Posted: 5th Jun 2005 02:20
I can´t get pngs to turn transparent. I set the transparent clour to 255,0,255 and it doesn´t show transparent, just pink. It works with bitmaps so I assume it´s a problem caused by paint when we pass the image from bitmap to png. Does anyone know how to get it to export properly or does anyone have any suggestions?

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Emperor Baal
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Location: The Netherlands - Oudenbosch
Posted: 5th Jun 2005 03:33
PNG works with alpha masks. Try using adobe photoshop or other software to create an alpha mask and then save it as PNG.

Alpha masks are like grayscale images, black is transparent and white is opaque. You can use alpha masks to make smooth transititions, like sprites which are "anti-aliased".

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Location: Spain
Posted: 5th Jun 2005 03:49 Edited at: 5th Jun 2005 06:04
mmm. So instead of setting a colour as transparent I use an alpha map? Right, Paint shop pro should have that function. I´ll write later with my progress.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: Ok. I found the transparency thing in PSP and used 255,0,255 (pink) as a transparent colour works!!
Once again thanks for your help

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