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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Player and FPS

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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 11:28
I guess this is a silly question? TGC? Anyone?

Why is it that when I have a FPS averaging 28-30 FPS when the player is at stand - when the player moves into walk mode the FPS drops by an average of 5-8 FPS depending on location.

I presume that if FPSC has that much difficulty in rendering the scene as the player walks around - the answer is it just does?

Not much point in asking then. What I should be asking I suppose is what can anyone do about it? If TGC cant then I dont suppose anyone can.

It seems to me that such a significant loss in FPS just because the player moves around is unimaginable in a game engine. I have never noticed it in other engines I have used if this is typical perhaps because frame rates dont seem to be quite so much at a premium as they are in FPSC. If you are running at 60-70 FPS then I guess it dont matter much as it would hardly impact on gameplay but thats not the case with FPSC and we need every extra frame per second we can get.

Just dont know what to say about that really except that it seems to be something we could do without. I presume that if TGC could do anything about it they would or will?

I am suprised that no one else has mentioned this as yet and cant quite understand why I had not - other than I took it for granted until I stopped to think about it when considering how FPS could be optimised and the losses could be reduced.

One would have to acheive a lot of optimisation elsewhere to make up for the seemingly unecessary loss of FPS to the player movement.


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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 14:45

I definatly agree with you!

i have this one level that gets 25-30 fps starting out, but if you face a certain direction, it drops to 8-10.

and another point in the same level, if you walk thru it, thge game freezes, but if you walk backwards thru the exact same spot, its fine. also in the same level (really glithcy level huh?) if you look at the elevator doors when you are going up, it closses...with no error message or anything. i have had to re arange my level several times, but it still has major fps problems...oh, and just to mention it, its a corridor level, with lots of twists and outdoor stuff, so i really shouldent have this problem.

and like i said in the last post, tgc should concentrate on this bug before anything else...can you imagine multiplayer with these kind of bugs?


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Posted: 9th Jun 2005 23:21 Edited at: 9th Jun 2005 23:25

Your not alone - The problem of slowdown overall and dramatic slowdown in specific areas (where you mention moving backwards and your OK) is well documented some time back with many posts, some from me that have gotten lost in the mists of long forgotten FPSC problem and bug days.

TGC are well aware that these problems exist. The problem of dramatic slowdown when FPSC sees a massive increase in polys, sometimes in small, from one tile to the next areas is caused by a (lagg) fault which Lee has documented which apparently he was unable to track down and fix in the EA version. So too all other slowdown issues a known and documented I think.

I have the same severe problem areas. You can to some extent build out the slow spots but they usually catch up with you further down the line as you build and pop up as a problem somewhere else. Its erratic though consistent in always being around somewhere. Worst case scenario I had a level where I had 24 FPS on one tile then 0 FPS on another causing an FPSC Freeze and system crash.

Its a slightly different problem from that of the player slowing FPS down when walking which is consistent thoughout any area of a level, when facing or moving in any direction - FPS drops everywhere. In happens 100% of the time but to varying degrees.

Glitchy it is - erratic sure. I have doors that open and close and others exactly the sane which refuse to do so - Just depends which wall you put them in - talk about glitchy.

Corridors wont make any difference to slowdown as FPSC gets a bit confused as to how many polys there are around - Only a couple of days ago I posted re the subject.

FPSC seems to habitually or erratically calculate everything in the level including both segments and entities whether or not it can be seen or whether or not it has any proximity to the player.

We could use a method of loading and unloading content when out of view - though even that kind of calculation would probably have a invavourable benefit/non benefit result so it would swap one prob with another - I dont know - as yet we dont anyway have that luxury.

I thought about trying to do it with spawn and remove commands thgough could not see a way it could be done - will look at it later - much later maybe

TGC are still concentrating on Physics and Multiplayer (and dont forget the new shadows too) as far as I am aware are welcome though they will undoubtedly put further strain on the capability of FPSC to hold up frame rates. I dont think it will but will drop them and dont see MP being a reality - though perhaps TGC will deliver something special in V1.

I already have to take all objects and optimise as much as possible making most entity objects static - and non moveable and keeping the scipts basic - this pushes FPS back up in many areas. Of course if you want Physics objects you cant do that - they require even more processing power, more complex scripting and greater thinking time which kills FPSC.

We dont know what TGC is doing exactly but Ive not heard a great deal regarding fixing any problems or bugs of any kind and there are many across the board. A lot of minor niggles we can live with but there are some important ones that need looking at. I fear they may prove too demanding for TGC to condsider taking them on and they will get swept under the carpet as it were.

I hope not.

To be fair TGC promised Physics and MP in V1 and it looks like you will get it - I am sure you will, so maybe fixes will come later.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2005 01:40
It all depends on your PCs graphics ability. Also the way FPSC processes the 3D engines commands. Hopefully I will be able to patch this up as soon as V1 is released, cos I will make a patch with DBasicPro. Also another factor is the fact that you are using the testing facility which takes up so much memory that your pc wont even be able to run WORD. Thsi is also a possible patch project for me.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2005 12:39
I dont think my machine usses to much memory, i have 1280 of ram, so if it did take up that much memory, most people wouldent be able to play it at all. my computer is...well..."pimped out" in almost every aspect. as amatter of fact there have been one or two instances where i have hit 100+fps in a test level...but it is not acting up because of memory on my comp...thats impossible...right?

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DarkMoon productions inc
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Posted: 16th Jun 2005 04:57
very odd.

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