If anyone has (or can make) a DBP version of the .dbo loader, I would appreciate it if you could send it to me. I can't make heads nor tails out of the c++ one and am looking into doing some animation editing work.
[edit] Didn't mean to try and steal the tread just figured an example in DBP code may help Hamish as well. It doesn't even have to actually do anything just show the data orders like this .csm example.
open to read 1, "test.csm"
read long 1, version
if version <> 4 and version <> 5
print "Map version not supported! Only V4.0 and V4.1 Supported."
wait key
read long 1, groups
`if groups > 0
for i = 1 to groups
read long 1, groups_flags
read long 1, groups_group
read string 1, groups_prop$
read long 1, groups_red
read long 1, groups_green
read long 1, groups_blue
next i
if version = 5
`Vis groups
read long 1, Vis_groups
for i = 1 to Vis_groups
read long 1, Vis_groups_shown
read long 1, Vis_groups_red
read long 1, Vis_groups_green
read long 1, Vis_groups_blue
next i
read long 1, lightmaps
for i = 1 to lightmaps
read long 1, lightmaps_width
read long 1, lightmaps_height
for j = 1 to lightmaps_width
for k = 1 to lightmaps_height
read long 1, lightmaps_rgba
next k
next j
next i
read long 1, meshes
for i = 1 to meshes
read long 1, meshes_flags
read long 1, meshes_group
read string 1, meshes_prop$
read long 1, meshes_red
read long 1, meshes_green
read long 1, meshes_blue
read float 1, meshes_x#
read float 1, meshes_y#
read float 1, meshes_z#
if version = 5
read long 1, meshes_VisGroupID
read long 1, meshes_surfaces
for j = 1 to meshes_surfaces
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_flags
read string 1, meshes_surfaces_textname$
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_lightmap
`U offset
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_uOffset#
`V offset
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_vOffset#
`U scale
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_uScale#
`V scale
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_vScale#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_rotation#
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_verts
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_tris
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_lines
`get verts
for k = 1 to meshes_surfaces_verts
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_x#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_y#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_z#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_nx#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_ny#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_nz#
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_red
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_green
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_blu
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_u_text_coords#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_v_text_coords#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_w_text_coords#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_u_lightmap_coords#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_v_lightmap_coords#
read float 1, meshes_surfaces_verts_w_lightmap_coords#
next k
`get tris
for l = 1 to meshes_surfaces_tris
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_tris_a
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_tris_b
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_tris_c
next l
`get lines
for m = 1 to meshes_surfaces_lines
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_lines_a
read long 1, meshes_surfaces_lines_b
next m
next j
next i
read long 1, entities
for i = 1 to entities
read long 1, entities_flags
read long 1, entities_groups
read string 1, entities_props$
`x position
read float 1, entities_x#
`y position
read float 1, entities_y#
`z position
read float 1, entities_z#
next i
`camera position x
read float 1, cam_pos_x#
`camera position y
read float 1, cam_pos_y#
`camera position z
read float 1, cam_pos_z#
`camera pitch
read float 1, cam_pitch#
`camera yaw
read float 1, cam_yaw#
close file 1