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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / To order or not to order?

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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 13:12
I really liked DB and I am thinking about getting DBPro. However I don't like buying things that I have not had a chance to use yet. If there is going to be a demo i'll wait for it (but will the upgrade offer be around for ever?). IF not then i think DBS will be making a big mistake.

So I think my main questions are:
Is there going to be a demo?
How long will the upgrade offer be around?

P4 1.6GHz - 256Mb DDR RAM - GeForce 2 MX400 - SoundMAX Integrated Sound - Windows XP Home
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 18:17
i think they said they'd have a demo out a few days after shipping. or something like that.

don't know how long the upgrade offer lasts but i would assume for a while. probably a few months or so.

how about no, ya frickin' dutch bastard!
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 19:43
the upgrade should be permiant since you get upgrade offers on many products. e.g. win98 upgrade only.

the demo version will be restrictive so you cant use it forever, thats the main thing that lost sales. people wouldn't cough up the money for the full version.

if you want to use the product pay for it.

lagmasteruk -
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 20:57
Thanks for info.

I fully intend on paying for it, however, i would prefer to play around with a demo for a couple of days first. With DB i found the site downloaded the demo same night played with it for about 2 hours and was down the shop the next day. Thats all it takes - just for me to see if I like it or not.


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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 23:30
There are undoubtedly some bugs in the first version of DBpro (but probably fewer than in DB because of more extensive beta testing). You know they'll eventually solve them all, and you've already seen what the demos can do, and you basically know you're going to buy DBpro sooner or later anyway, so why not just get it?

Also, I imagine that the DBS programmers get substantially more money if you buy it online rather than at a retailer.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 01:06
your right. I'll think I will order it in a few weeks time (when my wallet isn't empty )

I have some cool ideas that i tried in DB but did not work that well but i'm pretty sure there work in DBPro. In the mean time i think i'll get on with some media and (to keep me occupied) a hight map editor in VB.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 01:16
there are bugs in dbpro because let's say there wasn't many people bug testing it.

now you lot will be able to use it. dbs will see how different everyone's computers are and add some card to the good list

people with <8mb graphics card, go and buy a 32mb, they are only about $50 or something like that.

you have to remember that when using dbpro. if you get a bug let lee or mike know about it. the quicker thew know about the bug the quicker it will work on your comp!

lagmasteruk -
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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 02:36
Bugs are still being squashed atm but the team are working hard on ironing them out. There will be a few patches but the beta3 (current beta) is very stable.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 12:35
Theres obviously going to be bugs. Its almost impossible to have a piece of software that doesn't when you consider the number of hardware and software configurations. I'm sure the team are doing there best but its hard work. I've done a few small C++ games and its very hard to find all the bugs because sometimes you just can't see whats wrong with your code!


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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 15:24
"To order or not to order?"

How dare you ask this question???


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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 15:42
Better than asking "to be or not to be"...

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 01:21
crawlin...I was like you, I like DB....
I think you'll love DBPro!
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 04:48
Without even considering your other questions, I say ORDER!

Alex Wanuch
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 05:08
Hello Rappy Haven't seen you about in a while


Join in on my big DarkBASIC pro RPG - kousen -
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 12:22
I have decided to get DBPro, but it'll be awhile yet - around start of november when i can afford it. But, i will hang around until then.

Thanks for you help,

P4 1.6GHz - 256Mb DDR RAM - GeForce 2 MX400 - SoundMAX Integrated Sound - Windows XP Home

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