oki here
Sync On : Sync Rate 0 : ` Set the Sync Rate to Maximum Possible
Disable EscapeKey ` Disable the Escapekey, this stops it from automatically exiting
Dim Time(4) ` Time Array, Holds 5 Integer Values / 0 = Current, 1 = Old, 2 = Duration, 3 = Total, 4 = Reset
` Colour Array, this is used to hold global values, in this case the 3 colours for the progressbar
` 1 = Edge, 2 = Bar, 3 = Text
Dim Color(16) : Color(1) = RGB(128, 128, 196) : Color(2) = RGB(128, 128, 196) : Color(3) = RGB(240, 240, 240)
Repeat : `I prefer using Repeat..Until just my personal preference really
UpdateTime() `Update the Timer
If Time(3) >= 150 `Check to see if 150milisecond have elapsed, you have 1000 milisecond to the second
Time(4) = 1 `Tells the Timer to Reset the Total to 0
Inc Percent `Now we add 1%
If Percent <= 100 `Check to see if the Percentage complete is less than 100%
ProgressBar(10, 10, 100, 14, Percent, "Loading", 0)
Else `If it's more than 99% i.e. 100% then we tell the user loading in complete
ProgressBar(10, 10, 100, 14, Percent, "Complete", 0)
Sync ` update the scene
Until EscapeKey() ` with the escapekey disabled you need to put in your own exit, so here it is
Function ProgressBar(X, Y, Width, Height, Percent, Message$, Flag)
If Percent > 100 Then Percent = 100 ` make sure pecentage is under 100
If Percent < 0 Then Percent = 0 ` and above 0
Ink Color(1), 0
Box X, Y, X + Width + 2, Y + Height + 2 ` draw the outline, it's quicker to do a box
Ink 0, 0
Box X + 1, Y + 1, X + Width + 1, Y + Height + 1 ` draw a 1 pixel smaller box, now we have an outlined area
Ink Color(2), 0
Box X + 1, Y + 1, X + ((Width / 100.0) * Percent) + 1, Y + Height + 1 ` draw the percentage box
Ink Color(3), 0
If Flag = 1 ` if flag is active then we output the % done
Output$ = Message$ + " " + Str$(Percent) + "%"
Else ` otherwise we just output our message
Output$ = Message$
Center Text (X + (Width / 2)) + 1, (Y + ((Height / 2) - (Text Height(Message$) / 2))), Output$ `draw text
most of what's here is just basic mathematics, the actual area of the progress bar itself is +2 to account
for the 1px border all around. so only the active progress bar is the size you set.
just makes it look neater.
Function UpdateTime()
Time(0) = Timer() ` grab the system time
Time(2) = Time(0) - Time(1) ` now we find out how long it took between the last time update
Time(1) = Time(0) ` put the current time into the old time, as now it can be used next update
If Time(4) = 1 ` if the total is reset
Time(3) = Time(2) ` total = duration
Inc Time(3), Time(2) ` other wise we just add it to the duration
Time(4) = 0 ` make sure that reset is 0 when we exit
is the code commented. Though now I know your using DarkBASIC Professional, I've gone and altered the code a bit, with some new comments to explain it for you.
`/ True and False Constant Variables, these variables never change.
#Constant True = 1
#Constant False = 0
`/ I'd recommend against using comments on thoe lines though, can cause off errors.
`/ This will show you how to use a simple Flag system
#Constant FlagShowProgress = 0x02
#Constant FlagSolidBackground = 0x04
Global Refresh As Integer = null `/ You can set values to variables when you create them, in this case null
`/ I use null to = 0 when I want a variable to mean nothing.
Sync On : Sync Rate Refresh `/ Set the Sync Rate to Maximum Possible
Disable EscapeKey `/ Disable the Escapekey, this stops it from automatically exiting
`/ Type Data is quite useful as you can customly create them for all sorts of situations
Type TimeType
Current, Duration, Previous, Elapsed, ResetTime As Integer
Global Dim Time(void) As TimeType `/ void isn't a real number, I use it to represent 0
`/ A Slighty more Complex type
Type ProgressBarType
X, Y As Integer
Width, Height As Integer
Progress As Integer
Caption As String
Global ExampleBar As ProgressBarType
ExampleBar.X = 100
ExampleBar.Y = 120
ExampleBar.Width = 120
Global EdgeColor As Integer = 0x8080C0 `/ The reason I didn't use RGB() is because you can't use a function
Global BarColor As Integer = 0x80C080 `/ while declaring a variable.
Global BackgroungColor As Integer = 0xFFFFFF `/ You may recognise the number style being used, it's Hexidecimal.
Global TextColour As Integer = 0x000000 `/ Generally it's used by HTML for Colours. e.g. #8080C0
`/ Figuring out Colours like this is simple with Microsoft Calculator
`/ Start it and set view to Scientific, then put in the number in Dec
`/ Click Hex and voila the Hexidecimal version of it.
`/ The Colors go... 0xRRGGBB
Global Program As Integer : Program = NewTime(80) `/ Set the update time
Global mediaCube As Integer = 1
Make Object Cube mediaCube, 10.0
Color Backdrop 0x808080
`/ Update the 'Program' Timer & Check For the loop time.
If UpdateTime(Program) Then Inc ExampleBar.Progress
If ExampleBar.Progress < 100 `/ If Less Than 100%
ExampleBar.Caption = "Loading"
Else : `/ Otherwise ... (can't comment on an else>)
ExampleBar.Caption = "Complete"
ProgressBar( ExampleBar, FlagSolidBackground )`/ Update The Progress Bar,
`/ We Combine the Flags using the || Binary OR (works like Addition but on the Binary level)
Rotate Object mediaCube, WrapValue(Object Angle X(mediaCube) + 0.4), WrapValue(Object Angle Y(mediaCube) + 0.4), WrapValue(Object Angle Z(mediaCube) + 0.4)
Sync `/ Update Program
Until EscapeKey() `/ Set Manual Escape
Function ProgressBar( This As ProgressBarType, Flag As Integer )
If This.Height < Text Height(This.Caption) Then This.Height = Text Height(This.Caption) + 2
If (Flag && FlagSolidBackground) `/ Check that the flag we want is alright by removing the other(s)
Local isProgress As Boolean = True
Local Dim Pixels(This.Width, This.Height)
Lock Pixels `/ This REALLY Speeds up this Task
For X = This.X To (This.X + This.Width)
For Y = This.Y To (This.Y + This.Height)
Pixels(X - This.X, Y - This.Y) = Point(X, Y) `/ Grab the Pixel Color from where the Bar is
UnLock Pixels `/ Once we've finished plotting pixels, release the pixels
If This.Progress > 100 `/ Though I would show you another way to use the If statement
This.Progress = 100
If This.Progress < 0 Then This.Progress = 0
Ink EdgeColor, 0x000000
Box This.X, This.Y, This.X + This.Width, This.Y + This.Height `/ Outline Box
If isProgress
Lock Pixels
For X = This.X + 1 To (This.X + This.Width - 2)
For Y = This.Y + 1 To (This.Y + This.Height - 2)
Dot X, Y, Pixels(X - This.X, Y - This.Y) `/ Now that the background is down we can repaint these pixels
`/ it makes a nice Transparent Effect
UnLock Pixels
Ink BackgroundColor, 0x000000
Box This.X + 1, This.Y + 1, This.X + This.Width - 1, This.Y + This.Height - 1
Ink BarColor, 0x000000
Box This.X + 1, This.Y + 1, This.X + ((This.Width / 100.0) * This.Progress) - 1, This.Y + This.Height - 1
Ink TextColor, 0x000000
Local Message As String
If (Flag && FlagShowProgress) `/ Always be sure to && against the Binary Addition of the others
Message = This.Caption + " " + Str$(This.Progress) + "%"
Message = This.Caption
`/ Draw the Text
Text (This.X + (This.Width / 2) - (Text Width(Message) / 2)),(This.Y + ((This.Height / 2) - (Text Height(Message) / 2))), Message
Function UpdateTime( Ref As Integer )
Time(Ref).Current = Timer() `/ Get current system time
Time(Ref).Duration = Time(Ref).Current - Time(Ref).Previous `/ Calculate the time between this and the last update
Time(Ref).Previous = Time(Ref).Current `/ Set the previous time to the curren time
If Time(Ref).Elapsed >= Time(Ref).ResetTime
Time(Ref).Elapsed = Time(Ref).Duration `/ Set the Accumulated Time to the Duration
ExitFunction True `/ Exit and Return True (1)
Inc Time(Ref).Elapsed, Time(Ref).Duration `/ Otherwise add that time
EndFunction False `/ Exit and Return False (0)
Function NewTime( MiliSecond As Integer )
Local This As Integer
Array Insert At Bottom Time(void) `/ This will add a New Element to the Time Array
This = Array Count(Time(void)) `/ Get the new Array Size
Time(This).ResetTime = MiliSecond `/ Set the Update Time
EndFunction This `/ Pass it back so we can use it
Have a play