Gpex did you really read every command in the help file, come on now, every command. Lets be realistic, I bet there's only a few people out there that actually read every command before they started programming.
Yes eventually people read every command, but thats over a long time span from trying to solve problems for their programs.
As for teh keschin.
Im pretty sure I know what platofrmers are o.O, (Like Baggers Jazz Jack Rabbit game), so here's my two cents on what you'd have to accomplish for a basic platformer:
- Basic Movement (Forward, Backward, Mouse turn Left, Mouse Turn Right, Side Stepping
- A gravity system
- Jumping capabilities (gotta get to those platforms)
- Polygonal Collision Handling (Tough subject, but many answeres are out there)
- Basic Menu layout (Main Menu, Pause, Options, Story Line possibly)
- Very Basic A.I (Maybe an object moving back and forth and when you collide with it you die and are respawned to the last savepoint)
- A way to vanquish the A.I, could be as simple as jumping on its head, or maybe shooting it. Can't really say until you have your storyline done.
- A goal, anything could do, maybe getting all 100 floating tomatoes, or just reaching the end of the level.
That should get you to a beta version of the game. Once you have that down you'll have a pretty good engine to work with, and can start working on the more complex things:
- Nice graphics (Skins, Models, Skyboxes, etc)
- Neat effects (Explosions, Gun shots, etc)
- Sound Effects
- Extended Movement (Running, Double Jumping maybe, Dashing...etc)
- Special Moves (Smashing, Kicking, Punching, Shooting, whatever you can think of)
- Extended A.I(The A.I looks for you, when they see you they attack you instead of instantly killing you, and then have the A.I respawn in increments of x seconds.
- A boss possibly at the end of the level
- Better menu's (configuration of the game settings, controls, etc.)
- A HUD (Display your health, current score, level, a target reticle for attacks, and some other random info
- Lots more I cant think of right now
Before you do any of that, come up with a good story line, draw all your thoughts out on paper keeping notes of all your good ideas, then to a good copy of it and you'll be ready to start on the above. Include details on everything from weapon stats to the speed your player will run at when theyre damaged. The more info you get the easier it is later on.
I hope that helped, pretty sure thats what you asked for o.O
Current Projects: SHADE - Game Maker | Mecho - TGC Puzzle Entry | Halo Physics Engine | COLD - Polygonal Collision Detection