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Dark GDK / d3dx8.lib - got it, but want to check...

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 07:01 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 07:15
Hi folks,

Ok.. I've got VS 6.0 SP5, DX9 SDK June 2005, Platform SDK Nov 2001, DGSDK 1.0 and I was getting a link error on d3dx8.lib.. so I've searched the forums and as a result downloaded an extras pack that contains the file & added it to lib. The first link took ages (well, longer than I'd expect, 1 minute to link Example1 ?!?) and only worked in Release. In debug, I got this error...

Could someone please clarify a) why this file is needed, I have d3dx9.lib so what v8 needed? and b) what the correct way to obtain and install it is? I downloaded d3dx8_0b and added it to lib.. link I used,

[EDIT] fyi I tried the sprite example and got different errors, so I'm missing something. I also tried adding the DX9 Summer Extras to lib/include but no joy, any ideas greatfully recieved.. oh, error was
. Ta,

Cheers in advance
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 07:57
Are you compiling in debug mode ? If so, try release mode.
dont forget the SDK uses DX9...

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:05

Yup debug=bad, release=mixed! For, err, fun, I've also now tried with Oct 04 DX 9.0 SDK, that got me a bit further with the sprite example, but link (release) still gives me..

I could really do with a definitive check list to get this running with VC++ 6.0

I also read latest DX 9.0c not compatible with VS 6.0 and so I'd need an older DX 9.0, that's why I tried Oct 04, does that make sense to do? I guess also the next question is, is there a specific order to the items in the directories dialog for lib/include?

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:08
Cant help much with the VS6 problem, unfortunately.
There is an order needed for the LIB and header files, namely, the DirectX stuff should come first.

Is your project a Windows 32 one (and not MFC) ? The DirectX '04 should be okay.

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:12

Yeah its win32.. my order is probably shafted then, here's the current state of play (attached):

2nd image to follow...



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Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:12 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 08:13
Here 'tis..

Note, when I tried it with '04 the DX SDK was at the top, I've just been playing to try and get it all working.



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Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:21 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 08:30
This is funny as hell. I had the same problem about 20 min ago. What I finally did to get it to work was:

1) Downloaded SDK April 2005
2) I got the Include and Lib "Extra" files from the Cellbloc web site
3) Changed the order of the include and lib to point to the "Extra" include and lib first, then the SDK second.
4) Compiled in released mode.

Worked each and every time. my boomstick!


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Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:29
Woah, freaky

Umm, can I confirm the top 2 steps please..

1) Is this the same location? [href] - hopefully so, and thank the heavens for broadband.

2) Umm, I clicked the link to and it said your domain name has expired, can you confirm this step and where you got the files?

Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:40 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 09:33
WOW! My domain name expired! Thanks for the heads up!

I'm on a dialup, so it took like 14 hours to download.

I will upload the files to this directory:

Give me about 30 min to upload. This 14.4k connection is killing me! my boomstick!
Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 08:46
Thanks - quick idea, might be faster if you point me to where you downloaded them from so I can nab them from there?

Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 09:08 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 09:10
On one of my Alienware laptops....locally.


Finished! my boomstick!
Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 09:13

Np. Ok, lib.rar link was ok, but I get invalid link on include.rar?

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 09:17
p.s. can you also let me know your lib order btw? Cheers
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 09:24
Check my first post. I posted a screenshot. my boomstick!
Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 09:27
Yup, it shows your include path - I wondered if your lib path was the same? Thanks for your help on this.. p.s. drop in a post when your include.rar is ready, I still get "HTTP 404 - File not found" at the moment using the link above. Don't rush for now, I gotta get some sleep!

See ya.
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 09:34 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 09:35

I'm needing sleep, and sometimes I cannot spell "forum". Yes, both the Lib and the Include are in the same order.

Now, where is that pizza... wait!... there is no PIZZA in the country!!! Arragh! my boomstick!
Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 17:10
Thanks.. bit I'm afraid it didn't work I still get..

I looked up the LIBC.lib bit and it sounds like I'm trying to link incompatible binaries. Any ideas? I'm sure this should be simpler in the docs!

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 17:12
Maybe tonight, we can use remote access using the Ultra VNC SC, so I can have a look at the problem.

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 17:15
I'd like a step by step guide from TGC with working links too !
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 17:46
Lampton - what program are you attempting to compile? Is this one you have made or one of the demos? Try opening the samples workspace and selecting the example 1 project. Can you compile this?
scooby bloke
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 19:08
Lampton - Is this at home or in the office? If you have it at work, I can take a quick look for you to see if there is anything obviously wrong...

When I was (briefly) using vs6 for this stuff, I had no problems compiling /linking release / debug, (although I did have some problems with running the debug code on one machine). I used the oct 2004 sdk and extras (still got them on my laptop if you want me to copy them somewhere for you)..

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 21:20 Edited at: 5th Jul 2005 21:23

@Mike, I created a new blank win32 app and added in the source for the Sprite demo. Something that might be odd here, I don't recall seeing a workspace file so I created my own. Interesting. [EDIT] p.s. look at my first post, I did actually get Example 1 to compile/link but the link too 1 minute (?), then I thought I'd try the sprite one and thats what got me onto the next set of errors and lead me down the route of using older SDK's etc.

@Scooby, soz its at home, but thanks anyway. I'll give you a yell about the files on your laptop, that would be a good sanity check for me, nice one.

Generally though, got me thinking that going for C++ .net 2003 would be better, because then I could use up to date DX SDK files without this faffing about with old headers/libs, I'll look into that.

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 5th Jul 2005 23:56
Let me know if you want to do a remote access fingie...

Lampton Worm
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Posted: 6th Jul 2005 01:37

Cheers for the offer, but I think I've got some sorting out to do though that may solve this - by the looks of it my download of the SDK might have been corrupted because I just looked at Scoobys install and he has files (like the workspace) in the sample folders that I don't have! So I'll be starting again tonight or tomorrow eve when I get the time.

Cheers all
OSX Using Happy Dude
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