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FPSC Classic Scripts / how do i change animation and light scripting?

Scarlet Neiko
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Joined: 14th May 2005
Location: not sure...
Posted: 9th Jul 2005 23:30
What i want to change on the mossberg is not really model specific but rather in the code...
cause at the moment the mossberg goes...
shoot(till ammo done)\reload\ cock
i want to change it to
shoot\cock\ (combo till ammo done)\reload cock...
I'm pretty sure thats nothing to do with the model its just playing around with the calls to the animation but i dont know hoew to do it...i have tried messing with the x file...still no luck..

Also...i would like to ask how do i make my levels dark...cause i can seem to get this right..i mean really dark as in you cant see without light...cause at the moment i can still see very well with no lights in my map and a ceiling this because of texture self illumination?
anyhelp would be most appreciated...
Scarlet Neiko
Years of Service
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Joined: 14th May 2005
Location: not sure...
Posted: 17th Jul 2005 19:28
cool thanks...and i figured out the light things...

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