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DarkBASIC Discussion / side scroller

Red general
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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 13:17
How do you do a side scroller for a platformer (and how do do gravity)?

These things have been puzzling me for some time.

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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 14:01
what do you mean with a side scroller?

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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 16:38
what, do you mean like side scroller beat 'em' ups like streets of rage and double dragon? in 2D or 3D?

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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 18:16
A side scroller like in say Mario or Sonic (the orriginals not the 3D versions)

My computer melts regulary - perhaps it likes being fondue
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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 18:27
you mean that the camera moves at a certain speed and that the character has to stay on screen?

are you working in 2d or 3d?

if 3d, you can just let the camera move, and check whether the player object is on screen

if you want the camera moves when you walk, but doenst moves when you go back (so you can't go further back than the side of your screen) you can also use that function to check whether an object is on screen

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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 18:31
I'm looking for a 2D scroller. (For a 2D scrolling Platformer)

My computer melts regulary - perhaps it likes being fondue
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Posted: 10th Feb 2003 18:41
you could make your 2d game in 3d with plains (coz thats way faster than sprites in DB)

in that case you could use the techniques as described above

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