Using WinAPI:
I have my 32x32 button working, and I believe I know how to place the icon on the button. I have nearly got an icon to load through the windows API... but it doesnt except my null-terminated string! It keeps telling me the file is not found...
sorry 'bout messy code but it will neatified when it works!
load dll "user32.dll",1
load dll "kernel32.dll",2
make memblock 1,strlen
char as byte
For i = 1 To strlen
If Mid$(temp$,i) = "%"
char = 0
char = Asc(Mid$(temp$,i))
Write MemBlock Byte 1,(i - 1),char
Next i
strptr as dword : strptr = get memblock ptr(1)
lr as dword : lr=LR_LOADFROMFILE || LR_DEFAULTCOLOR : im as dword : im=IMAGE_ICON
iconhandles(0)=call dll(1,"LoadImageA",dbpwinHWND,strptr,im,32,32,lr)