heh , it depends on how good you want your game to be :-
1-choose dbp only if you are going to make a game where the main character is a cube and the map is lots of colourful spheres .
2-chooes dbp and modelling prog like milkhape if yor main character is a human walking on colourful spheres killing alien monsters .
3-Choose dbp , geocape 3d
PRO And milkshape if you are making a game withr human characters running around in a forest or something ,
Use tree magick and option 3 to add trees if u r too lazy to add them , thats what people who want to finish quickly do , it not fun . Im only uing tree generator (a program) to add trees ,since i have lots of busy coding and modelling to do .
And th ebiggest requirement of all
GET A FAST AND REALLY GOOD SERVER not from a restaurant , but from a pc super store !
im also making an online orpg not mmorpg called darklight .
contact keemo1000@hotmail.com for more info .