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Program Announcements / Puzzle Competition Entry: illogic

Van B
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 09:47
Hiya, nothing much to see for now until we know what's happening with urls for downloads, so here's a screenie.

It's a mad puzzle game inspired by logical, 25 levels of frustration guaranteed.



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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 10:11
Looking excellent Van B. I'll definitly be sure to give this one a go once the downloading starts.

Looks extremely polished.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
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Drew Cameron
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 18:39
Yeah, looks extremely polished - how does it play? Like Marble Madness / Ballistic (Google for Ballistic, it's a PC game where you play as a ball and roll around levels)

Good luck.

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Van B
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 19:14 Edited at: 18th Jul 2005 19:15
Thanks guys .

The gameplay is fairly simple but unusual, there's spinners with little notches to catch the orbs as they roll around the level and you have to catch and group the correct orbs to complete the level. Basically you rotate the spinners and send the orbs in motion with mouseclicks, and that's as much control as you have over proceedings. My moms hooked on it (after her demands for gameplay tweaks were met), but there are a few really annoying levels on it because there's a lot of crazyness in those orbs, they especially like ignoring the path that your screaming at them to take.


Drew Cameron
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 19:21 Edited at: 18th Jul 2005 19:22
Sounds complicated.
How did you manage all the ball movements? On your own or with Newton / similar?

Look foward to playing it. The background reminds me of 1995 for some reason.

Katie Holmes does not endorse D&C or Drew Cameron.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 20:25
Looks whacky! Look forward to playing it.

Drew, that's not a 1995 background, how could you think such a thing? It is soooo 1994. I'm sure my brother had a bedspread that looked like that.

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 20:45 Edited at: 18th Jul 2005 20:46
Once the competition has expired, I'll be releasing the source code for the game.

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Van B
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Posted: 18th Jul 2005 21:07
Hehe, I know what you mean about the backdrop - but it's usually just black, it only goes retro-hell when you score points. It's more like running through a cloud of broken stained-glass than a bedspread though, at least when it's in action . The whole game has a retro flavour, even has a scroller with GeeCee style bitmap font.

The path system was the toughest thing to code, it's kinda hard to explain how it works... if you imagine a lot of lines and the orb finding each end of a line and travelling to the other end, then once it get's there it remembers what direction it's been travelling then looks for any other lines that are at it's feet... The complicated part was applying the timer based movement, because often the orb would travel across more than one line. Damn tricky to keep track of all that - luckily the orbs go through each other, I originally planned to have them bounce off each other, but that idea quickly got scrapped once I tried to play a level like that. The flow of this game is great though, everything churns along at a happy pace and the player just has to keep up with things as best they can.


Steve Fash
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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 06:55
If this is half as good as your other stuff it will be excellent...Look forward to d/ling it Van!

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