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Program Announcements / Puzzle Competition Entry: Colouroids

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Posted: 19th Jul 2005 01:53 Edited at: 19th Jul 2005 02:16
Hey, Heres my Puzzle Competition Entry Colouroids!

Basically you have to change colour colliding with the bases to be able to shoot the asteroids for points...

If you shoot the wrong colour your score will decrease and even go into minus... The tricky thing is getting a highscore!

Its quite hard though... So I added a shield that you can use by pressing the Z key, So you dont get hurt by other asteroids... Theres 8 levels in all (Well 7, 0 Is the easy training mission (kinda)) !

Anyway, Have fun! And post your Highscore (If you can get one !)

And post comments too...



(Right Click Save Link/Target As)

EDIT: I just realised you dont have to right click save target/link as with this host... But you can if you want...

AMD 64 3000 + 512mb RAM + 80GB HD + Radeon 9600se 128mb
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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 00:15
No ones tried this at all... ?


AMD 64 3000 + 512mb RAM + 80GB HD + Radeon 9600se 128mb
Van B
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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 00:26
Hehe, nobody ever comes in here (I mean proggie announcements), it's like a depressing little graveyard right now.

I'll check out your game tonight, looks cool but scarily complicated - I was never very good a complicated games so I don't expect a high score.


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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 00:49
Lol... I guessed by just looking at the topics... Only about 5 replies for each...

And it isnt complicated... All youve got to do is match up the asteroids... IE You are colour green > Shoot green asteroid... Simple!

Anyway thanks for trying it...

AMD 64 3000 + 512mb RAM + 80GB HD + Radeon 9600se 128mb
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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 03:53
Tried it and think it is very nicely put together although I do have a few crits. Firstly When you start off it is hard to see yourself because of all the flashing, also the collision detection for the asteroids could be better, right now you don't need to be touching one to be destroyed in an annoying way.

The happenings of tommorow are behind us now
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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 04:16
Thanks Robot, About the collision detection... Theres nothing much I can do about that, Thats the problem with TGC not having pixel perfect collision for DBPro...

Maybe they will sort that out one day (Hopefully)

And thanks for the reply!

AMD 64 3000 + 512mb RAM + 80GB HD + Radeon 9600se 128mb
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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 12:56
Pros: I like the ship movement, it's a little different than traditional asteriods but you can turn on a dime, which is really nice. Background is beautiful. The music is also very fitting, I gots to get me some info on how to use Bassmod.dll!

Cons: Exactly what Robot said. Blinking in the beginning is hard to see, could possibly be a faster blink or some sort of "flash in" animation. You also start moving in the beginning without touching a key.

Also the collision absolutely needs to be spot on for a game like this, and when you have a ship that is 25x25 pixels on a bitmap that's 32x32 pixels, you're asking for touchy collision. Also, the bullet is also on a 32x32 pixels which means the bullet SPRITE collides with the asteroid SPRITE when they're not close to touching (could be 16+ pixels apart).

What I would recommend is to forget the sprite collision system DBPro has, and use your own based on simple distance math. All of your objects can be seen as "circular areas", meaning your ship is a circle with 12 pixel radius, your bullet has a radius of 2, asteroids are a radius of 13 or so. When a bullet gets within 13+2=15 pixels of the center of an asteroid, it hits the asteroid. Same with ship, if a ship center gets within 12+13=25 of an asteroid center, it gets hit. And since your asteroids don't collide with each other, you just have to check your ship and bullets against all the objects in the field.

Distance math is pythagorean theorem for 2D (someone correct me if this is wrong I don't have a book with me):

dist = sqrt(abs(y2-y1)^2 + abs(x2-x1)^2))

I'm not a real programmer but I play one with DBPro!

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