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Program Announcements / MiR Ware:Puzzle It Up

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Location: Spain
Posted: 20th Jul 2005 03:37 Edited at: 20th Jul 2005 03:38
This is just to announce my compo entry. It`s based on Wario Ware but most of the mini games are puzzle based ones(hence the subtitle "Puzzle It Up"). There`s a few non puzzle ones here and there to break the monotany.
Music was downloaded from by the way. Forgot to mention that in readme. Oh well.
Here`s a screen shot to help you guys wait for Friday.

It`ll be open source and open media. I`m just cleaning up the code to make it presentable. That`ll take a while. I`m pretty sick of staring at lines of code right now. It`s done in DGSDK but it can be easily transfered to DBPro by just changing the syntax. I might even do it myself. Though being as there`s over 4000 lines of code don`t count on it.

¿Como estas you el dia de today?


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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 06:05 Edited at: 20th Jul 2005 06:11
Wow. This game looks "Happy". And fun as well. Exactly how a tetris should look, in my opinion. Can't wait to play it.


By fun, i did'nt meen that it looked funny, as in silly, i meant that it looked fun to play.
Van B
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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 06:43
Is it like a collection of puzzle games then? - sounds great .


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Posted: 20th Jul 2005 06:57
Quote: "This game looks "Happy". And fun as well."

Thanks. That`s exactly the feeling we were going for. So that`s great news.
Quote: " Is it like a collection of puzzle games then? - sounds great "

Yes. 5 second very simple ones. Though the tetris one is probably as complicated as the full version. Took me ages to code that. Not the best looking one though. Too many blocks. I hate blocks
Just thought I`d include the intro so you can see what the "story line" is like. That and not many people would see it other wise as the videos in the game require the xvid codec. This one`s a nice gif animation though. Those guys work everywhere.

¿Como estas you el dia de today?


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Posted: 24th Jul 2005 00:49 Edited at: 24th Jul 2005 01:11
Ok. I`ve finished the cleaned up one. It includes all the media and code aswell as a readme that explains all the mini games. The changes to the competition entry are:
*Removed a few bugs caused by completing a group of games and starting again.
*Made a better Readme file
*Added the ability to skip the movies by pressing any key.
*Fixed a few music bugs.
*Change some songs and added others.
*Fixed a few bugs with the games
*Made the spaceship game easier
*Added a menu transition animation.
*Now saves the fact that you`ve unlocked the second batch of minigames to file (Delete "save.txt" if you want them locked again)

Remember don`t judge this version. The competion version is on the puzzle compo board and whist it doesn`t have the above changes it`s still very playable.
Download the game here(I was going to do a rar versin but it did`t come out much smaller):

Gimme teh votez!!!!
Darkbasic MADPSP
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Posted: 16th Aug 2005 14:42
wow that's good tetris tyle i take it

Love games go to

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