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Program Announcements / My first game (monster hunt)

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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 05:40 Edited at: 21st Jul 2005 05:42
Yes, my first actually progress here, done with the Monster Hunt Tutorial. Took me a while but it was damn fun


Now, there is one question that i will ask next:

Where to now?

I loved the Monster Hunt tutorial, thanks to the one who did it. I'll think i will continue with the Binary Moon now. Is it the right way to go?


Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 05:59 Edited at: 21st Jul 2005 06:01
This post is in the wrong folder, dude...
If you're just starting, you could post that in the
Work In Progress folder...
Anyway.. once you did post this one here, I got something
to talk to you..

"Monster Hunt" is a nice tutorial.. But I encourage you
to start a brand new project... of course you can
take a look at the Monster Hunt tutorial sometimes...

I think that if you ask for a mod to del this thread
for repost this one in the WIP, we could help you better..

Sorry.. but Program Announcements folder is for programs
that they are about to be released..
We are gonna help you..

The worst foe lies within the self...
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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 06:02
Ok. Well, Monsters hunt tutorial was more to get me on my feets. I thought it was good to learn the basics before starting on a project of my own...
Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 06:07 Edited at: 21st Jul 2005 06:17
You didn't understand..
Learning the basics is very important..
But when you continue a project, it's odd to implement things
on it.. this way, all the game's primitives are gonna keep
themselves on it.. making a "squared" result..

if you wanna learn basics, start moving a ball (or any other
character on a matrix or moving the camera for FPS)...
then start making large blocks and applying textures to them..
then check collisions... this is much more clear.. starting from
this, you're not gonna get bored with brilliant new Ideas being
just added to an old system... it is gonna stress you out..

That is how I think =]

Get the idea of monster hunter.. but you can make one much better
by yourself =] I didn't believe when I started.. but it is the
truth.. My mind was about to break when I were change that monster's
AI and making new objects and SOFT collisions...

I can see you're interested.. this is the most important.. you
have future at gameMaking

The worst foe lies within the self...
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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 06:17
Thanks, Louiz. Well, i went thru the tutorial to learn the basics. There is just how to make the game in the tutorial, you know. Matrices, Camera movement, Texturing of objects etcetera, etcetera. I dont wish to argue about it. But your point is taken. Thanks.
dark coder
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Posted: 21st Jul 2005 10:51
not very encouraging comments you put there louiz,

quite right this should belong in wip board but im guessing a mod will move it there momenterilly, and i dont think theres anything wrong with him working off this tutorial, many people do the same its how we all started right?, load up an example add a few cones make them transparent and things :p

and yes i think the binary moon tutorial is great(assuming your reffering to the hover craft one)

anyways have fun coding, and good luck

Louiz ofRohr
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2005 09:31
I know..
I just think it would be easier to him start o project over new..
Adding things to something results in a motley progress for
beginners.. (unless he is already able to change the AI of monster)

Anything you add there, you're gonna change the AI (is very simple
in the tutorial, but it makes a beginner crazy at some time)..
Is this I'm talking about..
I really think that he should start a really new (empty .dba)
project while he is so motivated..

All I said was this.. he can make a new project learning..
There is no a right way to start, it was just my point..
The point I think it is easier
And as he said.. my point is gotten..
Anyway.. I said I support him, as many peoplo here..
but in the right forum

The worst foe lies within the self...
Sergey K
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2005 16:33
@Anlino: it should b on WIP topics.. post it there:

Morning Online

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