You didn't understand..
Learning the basics is very important..
But when you continue a project, it's odd to implement things
on it.. this way, all the game's primitives are gonna keep
themselves on it.. making a "squared" result..
if you wanna learn basics, start moving a ball (or any other
character on a matrix or moving the camera for FPS)...
then start making large blocks and applying textures to them..
then check collisions... this is much more clear.. starting from
this, you're not gonna get bored with brilliant new Ideas being
just added to an old system... it is gonna stress you out..
That is how I think =]
Get the idea of monster hunter.. but you can make one much better
by yourself =] I didn't believe when I started.. but it is the
truth.. My mind was about to break when I were change that monster's
AI and making new objects and
SOFT collisions...
I can see you're interested.. this is the most important.. you
have future at gameMaking
The worst foe lies within the self...