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FPSC Classic Product Chat / New User Question: Do joysticks work?

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Posted: 26th Jul 2005 06:14

Do joysticks work in games created by FPSCreator? I seemed to only be able to use the mouse and keyboard in the sample game. My joystick had no effect at all. If joysticks do work (and I assume they should), what could I be doing wrong. Go easy on me, I am new at this.

I hope this post is double posted, I never saw my last attempt in the posts so I tried again.
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Posted: 26th Jul 2005 06:38
Joysticks aren't supported in EA version and won't be in Version 1, either. (As far as we know.)
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Posted: 26th Jul 2005 08:39
Maby Lee will put support for gamepads, who knows?

Roger Wilco
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Posted: 26th Jul 2005 09:25
As mentioned, there is and will not be any support for joysticks so far. Though, it would be a good feature if you're going to sell your games, since there probably are a few that prefer joysticks in front of mouse and keyboard.

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The day FPSC v 1 is released
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 26th Jul 2005 10:39
I doubt that Version 1 will support gamepads, but it might become available in later versions.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2005 02:33
I'll send Lee MORE digital glue unless he puts it into V1.5

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Posted: 27th Jul 2005 03:09
Guys, I hate to break it to you, but all the people that I know that play First Person games, do not, I repeat, do not play with Joysticks.

This is as backwards as is This
Roger Wilco
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Posted: 27th Jul 2005 03:50
Neither do I. I prefer it the good ol' mouse and keyboard style.

One thing to look forward to:
The day FPSC v 1 is released
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 27th Jul 2005 06:27
There's a way to make the controls Respond to the Joystick.
The Gravis Joysticks have a way to bind Joystick commands to Keyboard and Mouse keys. You should try it.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2005 12:39
I realize FPSCreator is in its infancy and it looks very promising to me. Hopefully Joystick support will be forthcoming in a low numbered release. I think the lack of support of the most popular style of control in gaming will stunt popularity of the game engine as well as games created by it. Personally, I didn't even think to check in the trial if joysticks were supported or not. I had already bought it (non-returnable) before I noticed. I think a statement on its features such as "supports mouse and keyboard, joystick not yet supported" would probably be a good idea. I have no idea how I would break it to people buying a game created by it without it being a turn off though. And the returns and reviews ...

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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 13:23
I know some hardcore gammers. They don't use joysticks, it doesn't give them the control they need over a character. In true FPS games, there are typically many keyboard commands, you can't asign a joystick value to all of them...

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Chris D
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Posted: 29th Jul 2005 01:47
It would be nice to support programmable joypads ( Logitech make a nice one ), they have enough buttons, sticks, triggers etc for FPS games, like PS2 style shooters etc...
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Posted: 29th Jul 2005 04:21
You know... if you buy darkphears "Multi Joy" dll you MIGHT be able to get this to work... how to edit FPSC to call that dll, I will never know...

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.

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