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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Translations of Lee's Diary

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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 11:37 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 03:06
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Aiko, Proud Supporter of the Anti-Mod Association. (Currently in hiding...)

Okay, this thread is for the soul purpose of Easing the effort of reading Lee's diary. And for the entertainment of myself...

But eitherway, feel free to post your own interpetaions (with in reason of course ) but the ultimate purpose of this thread is just to provide a central place for information on FPSC Updates (since we get so few).

I will start with the 4 original update posts, and I will (hopfully) continue the translations weekly.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 11:38 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 01:32
1: July 12, 2005

I like gardening... Gardeny garden garden...

In my eternal conquest to create Multi Player I am breaking Single Player.

I suck at FPS games, my buddy Malcom keeps killing me.

Rick is stuck in a glass cage of collisons.

I am working on a Japaness version of DB Pro, FPSC is tiring.

The worst bug in FPSC is one you can't reproduce, and if you fix it you wouldn't know it.

While testing Multiplayer Mike picked up a weapon and killed us all before we could figure out what was going on.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 11:39 Edited at: 4th Aug 2005 20:02
2: July 12, 2005

Over All Updates...To the Start of MultiPlayer

HEADLINE NEWS!Lee is suffering hyperthermia and Gardenitis...

Quote: "Planted five new herb varieties put some more grass seeds down.
Aside from the grass, everything I am growing is edible
My plum tree will take 10 years."

It is the Garden, it is slaving him away in the heat, melting away his personality.

Please Call 1-800-SAVE-LEE to donate support for our dear old freind.

Other News.
"Large stone boulder" added to crush players who pass under it

Older News.

New spawners are now temporarly invincible, suicide runs never looked better

CAMERA WOBBLE. Praise Teh Lee, you can see yourself walk.

"increased size of text font so Dave and Mike do not ignore my pleads to stop firing at me"

Fixed shadows, now they are on the ground, not the ceiling.

"lowered the overall jump height so Mike can jump and dodge without hitting his big head against the ceiling "

You don't need to mash the mouse anymore, now auto-weapons fire automatically, this is a big improvement.

Man, so old why are you reading it?

I have found 8 byte packets sending per second, you can imagine the strain.

Now players don't resurect while talking, Question is, why are they talking in the first place?

You can hear the other players walking... never be killed from behind again.

Machien Guns stop firing when you stop firing them... why would we want that?

Players are no longer invisible when first resurected (BOO)

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 11:40
(July 17, 2005 [Third Post])
Last Known Multiplayer Bug Fixed. (YEAH)

"few arena related buttons, options and texts" --- unknown, more to follow

New FPI actions allowing items to be destroyed thus triggering other events. Items to be detected within a zone thus triggering other events.

"Lateral moving platforms" (YES... MOVING LIFTS, THE WORLD IS SAVED)

"BIG PRESENTATION" on friday... pray that it went all right.

"Until Then Me Thinks"

(From News Letters)
debris system

Players can pick-up objects (you assign the weight of objects directly in the editor) and throw / place them, which means you could force a player to construct a bridge across a lava stream by picking-up and laying down planks of wood.

A whole new set of superb sound effects were added to replace the gun effects currently in FPSC EA.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 11:41 Edited at: 29th Jul 2005 06:52
(July 24, 2005 [Fourth Post])
Today I worked on bringing EA backwards compatibility support to V1.

Become like Lee, watch CSI. The New Source of Lee Entertainment.

Get Beta4:
NOTE: you have to obey teh leeh and do everything he says for 5 hours a-day. And report bugs. FOREVER.

Adding a switch to allow the MP files to be diffrent then the SP files.

Active Dynamic Recompiler: A compiler that keeps the previous compile information in memory so small changes can be quickly made without remaking the whole exe.

Correction By Teh Leeh, an Over Used Algorithm was slowing down V1, Physics is causing very little issues. And Frames Per Second remain stable.

Objects now have their own sounds. Wood sounds like wood, metal sounds like metal.

key improvements sudjestions are being processed.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 13:26 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 12:12
Quick News:

V1 is a Planned Release some time in August.

V1 will be availible by Shipment and Download. (Why couldn't it be sooner).

FPSC Levels will eventally be able to be loaded into DBP games.

Quote: "
1. Uman
2. =ChrisB=
3. Eric T
4. RobK
5. ColdNews
6. CTM
7. Lon
8. SoulMan"

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 28th Jul 2005 13:53
LOL Great Idea, Merranvo! Too bad I'm too busy to help.

"You Don't Know the Power, of the Dark Side" -Vader
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Posted: 30th Jul 2005 21:02 Edited at: 4th Aug 2005 20:04
5: 2005-7-30

Lee, GOTO SLEEP. 5AM is not good on the body or the mind.

Become Like Lee... Eat Pizza, Pasta, and Drink Expensive Coffee.

"You can create a machine which spits out crates at random times, quantities, directions and velocities."

"We have what Rick wanted, crates falling out of the sky creating a large pile of boxes (which he then blows up with his bazooka)." GO RICK.

"My task in the world of beta is to solve the unresponsible APPLY BUTTON bug"
AT LAST... I only press it like, ninty million times before it responds...

BETA level is at 8.

Sorry for the short update, Lee hasn't been keeping up his diarys. Too Busy with the betas

*but I also think they would go well in the FPI as actions too* MORE SCRIPTING!!!!

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 19:50 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 01:37
6: 2005-8-04

Lee Entertainment Update: Listen to the Beatles, John Lennin ROCKS!

Apply Changes Button FIXED... We no longer will have to mash it for over an hour!

Spawning now controllable by game events.

Physics can now be used as a weapon, able to apply dammage to the player and enemys.

Destruction Debris fixed.

Full Shader Effect, (pixel shading?)

Another Lee Rant... seems that somethings that were suppose to get changed weren't, and now he has old values floating around. This gets very complicated, really a programming issue.

It has been ordered, by the commission of the Anti-Mods, that Lee GOES TO SLEEP. 5am is not healthy, not at all.


Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 20:00 Edited at: 4th Aug 2005 20:07
Forum News:

Because of excessive loss of icecream, A free model pack has been added.

Volcano demo to show off more spawning object

Story Zone object requested by RickV (Ability to show images and movies at anytime durring the game)

Download is availiable only with the software box.

Planned Release: September

V1 is operating under similar speeds as EA, only it's better.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 20:32
Can I send you some Ritalin, Vallium? Would that help you calm down?
Excessive posting can cause headaches and back pain.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 20:56
only cure is iv-propane... if you know what I mean

What do you mean by 'excessive posting'

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 21:46
Quote: "Aiko, Proud Supporter of the Anti-Mod Association.

You mean the ugly supporter.

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 22:58
Quote: "You mean the ugly supporter."

Ugliest Supporter!

"You Don't Know the Power, of the Dark Basic" -Vader
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 23:44
Lol, haha! Yea, I wish whoever made the models knew what girls are spossed to look like in games. (Oh, sh*t! I've beenp layin Duke3D to much )

Formerly I was CDBGames, and formerly to that i was Duke Nukem, and even more formerly to that
I was Punk Rock 101. Got it?
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 00:54
Whoever made that model wasn't very good with women!

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 03:05
Now Now, do you have to be rude? You hurt Aiko's feelings, now she has ran away...

P.S. PLZ contribute, not destroy!

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 06:37
I don't know what you mean by, "excessive posting". I think it's great to have as many updates as possible.

Fierce Hobo

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 10:13
It's not a bad thing. It just seems he is popping around the forum posting to everything in his path. If this forum was counting post and ranking the user, he would be at God Level by now

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 12:04
Like my new sig, soul man???

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.

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