2: July 12, 2005
Over All Updates...To the Start of MultiPlayer
HEADLINE NEWS!Lee is suffering hyperthermia and Gardenitis...
Quote: "Planted five new herb varieties put some more grass seeds down.
Aside from the grass, everything I am growing is edible
My plum tree will take 10 years."
It is the Garden, it is slaving him away in the heat, melting away his personality.
Please Call 1-800-SAVE-LEE to donate support for our dear old freind.
Other News.
"Large stone boulder" added to crush players who pass under it
Older News.
New spawners are now temporarly invincible, suicide runs never looked better
CAMERA WOBBLE. Praise Teh Lee, you can see yourself walk.
"increased size of text font so Dave and Mike do not ignore my pleads to stop firing at me"
Fixed shadows, now they are on the ground, not the ceiling.
"lowered the overall jump height so Mike can jump and dodge without hitting his big head against the ceiling "
You don't need to mash the mouse anymore, now auto-weapons fire automatically, this is a big improvement.
Man, so old why are you reading it?
I have found 8 byte packets sending per second, you can imagine the strain.
Now players don't resurect while talking, Question is, why are they talking in the first place?
You can hear the other players walking... never be killed from behind again.
Machien Guns stop firing when you stop firing them... why would we want that?
Players are no longer invisible when first resurected (BOO)
Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.