print "Here is my entry for the 20 line competition and trust me is got the " ;bodyparts$; "to be a winner"
BTW that bit will make sense once you play the game, no media requires just copy, paste and play.
input "Name your best friend - ";bfriend$
input "Name an ugly person you know - ";ugly$
input "Name a sexual term ending in -ing - ";ing$
input "Name a body part of your sex group - ";sex$
input "Name a body part of the opposite sex - ";body$
input "Name the first location that comes to head - ";location$
print "NEWS FLASH"
sleep 1000
print ""
print "Last night local pervert ";bfriend$;" was arrested for apparantly "
print "";ing$; " townsperson ";ugly$; "'s left ";body$; " in the local ";location$;"."
print "police were baffled by the size of ";bfriend$; "'s ";sex$;"."
print "Townsperson ";ugly$; " states 'Overall a scary experience, its happend"
print "before but never in a ";location$; " mind you i was baffeled by the ";sex$;","
print " but for now I think I will just tend to my";body$;"."
print "Press Escape To Exit"
if escapekey()=1 then end
"There is only 2 ways off this island: The first is in little pieces and the seconds with me" - (Hunter/DaZ)