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qin shi
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 15:05
OK, found the 'oh-so-hidden' secret room and if I go through the eyes I can go to infinity and beyond.
But how do I get behind the fireplace?
It can't be that difficult.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 15:16
Why do you want to get behind the fireplace?

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qin shi
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 15:56
For the same reason people climb mountains,
dive to the Titanic or send probes to Jupiter.
It's there.

btw this will be the same reason why people buy your future games

(Or if your question was meant less metaphysically:
you can see that there is a room behind the fireplace
through the slot in the neighbouring room.)

Thanks for considering my post.

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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 15:59
Probably the only way would be to go through one of the walls that doesn't have the collision detection on, and try and move the chappie into the room - assuming the room actually exists and isn't 'faked'.

Yes, I really am THAT good...
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 16:08
i tried but there is no way in all the way round the room

Specs:- 1GHZ athlon, Radeon8500, 192mb ram
qin shi
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Posted: 28th Aug 2002 16:14
@ haggisman & MrTAToad

No, I also could not find another wall without detection.
So, its probably just a piece of space that was left over
while programming this nice little demo.

But thank you for taking the time.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 02:31
You can only get there Christmas Eve when Santa opens the fireplace up so he can climb down the chimney

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is.
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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 05:54
wait, wheres ther secret room in the room demo? is it just a bug?

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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 12:29
The secret room is found after pushing the blocks.
The other secret rooms are found in the secret room.
The other other 'secret' room is begining to sound like it doesn't actually exist.

Yes, I really am THAT good...
Richard Davey
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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 17:50
Download the source (it's on the FTP server for all) and look at the code/models and find out if it's a real secret fireplace room or not!


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Posted: 29th Aug 2002 19:57
pushing blocks in the room demo? where are the blocks?

qin shi
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 02:00
Walkthrough for Room Demo

If you are standing in front of the fireplace, turn left.
You should see a dark square in the wall.
This block can be pushed (with ctrl + up) into another room.
Push it as far as possible.
1) Once again you will find another dark square on the left wall that leads into a green room with eyes. You can go through the eyes into the eternity of basicspace.
2) But if you turn to the right there is a narrow opening in the wall (adjacent to the fireplace). You can see through it a red room that is behind the fireplace. But I couldn't enter it.

This seems to be a brutal violation of the unwritten law that every visible room should be accessible!
(Don't take this serious, please!)

And who is this grinning guy over the fireplace? Q?


@ Fireburst
No use waiting for Santa here. In Germany Santa comes through the door. (In southern Germany he doesn't come at all.)
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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 02:03
ooo lemme try that

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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 02:08
"And who is this grinning guy over the fireplace? Q?"

Lee Bamber

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Posted: 30th Aug 2002 02:23
thats very cool. well i dont think there is any way to get behind the fire place, i went all the way around building hugging the walls from the outside.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 02:11
Well curiosity got the better of me. Here's the room demo code with dbpro specific stuff remed out. I stuck in some free camera movement too so the level can be explored. Didn't bother to study the code to see if there is a way in but there doesn't seem to be much in the room anyway.

Btw the media seems to be included with the demo as well as the source.

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