Hey, I appologize about my inability to follow up on your model as I havent been able to access the net very frequently these past weeks.
I really hate using my own work for referance to others.. but in this case I feel it might help you out.. and provide a contrast to the pointers I'm giving.
Now, its quite uncommon to see people actually acting on comments and trying to improve which I really respect you for
I'm still sitting at a internet cafè so I cant make you any images to show you where I'm pointing.. but I'll try to explain as well as possible.
Here is a model I made for test..
http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=52651&b=3 <-- download it here if you want to play around with it.
Anyway, if you compare that image to yours.. perhaps place it behind.. you may see a few differances.
A few points would be:
- The head is a bit big compared to the size of the body, not the length however.. which seems to be right compared.
- The arms are too short, try bending your arm over your head, and you'll see what I mean.
- The pelvis needs to be taller.. over twice the size I belive.
- also the biceps was mentioned.. which are too big, and I agree.. but they are also a bit missplaced.
- Try building some sholders
When thats said. Great work on this!, an please keep it up