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The Game Programmer
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Joined: 4th Dec 2004
Location: Sitting, and waiting, and staring, and..
Posted: 30th Jul 2005 23:52
Would it be possible to do bullettime effects in FPSC? If so how, is it a scripting type thing?

Well, I'm trying aren't I.....

When Life gives you lemons make orange juice. Then sit back and wonder how it was done.
Unknown 005
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Posted: 1st Aug 2005 22:43
in current versions of fpsc, you could simply slow down all the entitys speeds down if you only want it moderately slow for the whole game. other than that, you'll have to learn some programming.
The Game Programmer
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Location: Sitting, and waiting, and staring, and..
Posted: 7th Aug 2005 04:10
Could you slow down the entity speeds at certain times, like... if the entity were moving a certain speed at a certain distance from you?

Well, I'm trying aren't I.....

When Life gives you lemons make orange juice. Then sit back and wonder how it was done.
Darth Vad3r
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 09:50
With Programming, Possible.
But Without it, I strongly doubt it.

Roger Wilco
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 17:12
What Darth said, it might be possible if you program/script it. Otherwise, it's not.

One thing to look forward to:
The day FPSC v 1 is released

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