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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Question on FPSC V1

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 01:54
Is there going to be a feature so a message can pop up once the level starts so you could put more story into the game for example my level is that your in a prison cell but the gaurds didn't lock the door so you have to escape but how is teh player supposed to know that. So I hope they will put a feature like that then it could say Go upstairs find the key and open the doors to the other prisoners and they could make a trigger zone that would make a message popup for different things for example I walk up to a person(unarmed so won't attack) and there is a triggger zone that activates a message saying "quickly through this hole!".

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 04:17
I think you can have a message when you try to open a door that needs a key, but what you are saying, sounds like a RPG, however, with triggers and scripts, whoes to say what can be done, very interesting.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 05:50
What I really wanted is just a mission Objective thing to tell you what happened instead of having cutscenes because you can't do cutscenes just a little mission breif

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The Nerd
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 14:47
You can already do this in FPSC EA! I did that in one of my levels
You just need to use a little script

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 15:54
You can use on screen text like messages via script as said or you can call an audio message too via script or zone marker.

I have always supported more story telling features of whatever nature though I am not aware that there are any default features to be included to V1 to add additional messaging systems though there are masses of functions and features being worked upon simultaneously.

Lee is adding new features and functions almost on a daily basis some of which you have seen in the recently released videos so who is to say what may make its way through to V1 - its still developing.

A lot can be done but may require some script intervention by the user to impliment the feature required. Just because its not included by default dont mean you cant do it.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 16:12
alot can be done with FPSC, you just need a knowledge of the scripting language. i've seen people flicker lights when you walk in a room, pop up a text when you use a computer, and more. all this is possible with scripting.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2005 04:19
I am possible with scripting
Gunz, don't double post, it means I have to answer twice, which I am not gonna do. I answered your valid post in the Scripts section. You may read that one.
Second, you CAN have cutscenes, I doubt that you can model very well, (sort of the help me feel that you are generating), use scripting, and waypoints. After you have the movements, go back and look at that animations list, try making it look better.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 02:12 Edited at: 4th Aug 2005 02:15
In response to the initial question again. i.e story telling capabilities.

I know there has been a lot of interest in some circles regarding this issue. The answer is V1 may, (and thats not the first time I have said that lately) may have greater capability in this area than the current EA version.

Just as with many other issues I believe it is being given some consideration. So dont hold your hopes up to high for the moment - we all have to wait and see what pans out in the time schedule that TGC have for the V1 release.

Like a mystery tour really. Its all a mystery to me anyway.

I am sure that more information on various topics will become available when next theres an official update on progress.

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