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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Things to take note of, unseen problems to the developers

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 03:46
I have discovered that games created my fps creator ea play incorectly on certian hard drives. My raptor drive (10,000 rpm) plays the game in super speed. and also, why do unneeded textures and other files not even put into our games end up in the final built game? this reduces load times and wastes space.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 03:56
We use a couple of Raptors here and there's no noticeable difference between playing a game from that and any other hard drive. Other than the fact it loads quicker. Once it's loaded into memory the hard drive becomes irrelevant. But if anyone else gets this weirdness, post about it here.

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Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 05:01
i also notice that bullet holes in the study prefab are different then the ones in the study corridor, using the same gun. thanks for replying so fast the first time, i really feel like im contributing to the process.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 11:08
I believe that this problem will be fixed in V1 (hopefully). Another problem...

When I was giving out some of my games made from EA(no I didn't sell them), the game didn't work on any of thier computers, and some of them had the same type of OS as me. I think it may have to do with the fact that they didn't have the same version of Direct X as me. Can someone tell me what the cause of this problem is?

Fierce Hobo

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2005 14:32
It may help if you new and could say what happened when they tried to run the game? - otherwise theres not a lot to go on.

I have two computers and a game made on the one with EA installed will work fine on the other machine - in fact though the spec is different it being a less powerful machine (same direct x) the game runs more smoothly and somewhat faster on the lower spec one. Strange that. Just goes to show that neither spec, power, nor price are necessarilly the best guide to the quality of a machine, its the overall machine design and choice of well balanced "Quality" components that matter most. Of course the more you pay the more you should get but thats not always the case.

Bit like game engines really.

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2005 04:25
Swahele, what uneeded texture do you refer to. It doesn't slow anything down because they only load if they are called to. Confusing.

Bullet holes, you mean the fact that there is the little bullet, and the big bullet. Yeah, that was a effort that failed. P.S. if you want to talk bugs, fire your gun at the same spot at the wall. You'll see it.

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Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2005 07:23
i mean, when you compile a game, there are textures and stuff of things that you never put into your games, say, like guns that were never inserted, and so on, it jsut takes up space when there not even in the game

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2005 07:28
and there are textures that aren't included.

But if you have it in the libary it will be in the compiled version.

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