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FPSC Classic Product Chat / EA buyers Compensation

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 05:31
Rick V has pointed out that the EA buyers will be compensated for the support they have all shown for the last few months, or the pricing, which ever you prefer, anyway, some suggestions have been made, but what would you like to see, by way of an additional gift, lets try and help TGC out with some serious ideas.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 05:49
Lock This Thread.

Okay. My 2 pence is that as an EA, we all agreed that we were only getting the software early. End of Story. We are not any different then V1'rs execpt we have had more experiance.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:01
Ok maybe you don’t understand, I am not saying I want something, I am replying to this statement by RickV.
Quote: "Hi, since this thread started we have listened to user views and we feel we need to address the balance for our loyal EA users. We are considering the creation of an extra model bank add on which will sell as an extra media pack. All EA users will receive this Free of charge via dowload."

Trying to come up with Useful suggestions.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:05
I know that, I read the post. My sudgestion is to simply tell the EA'rs the terms they agreed to. Which did state that all EA was was getting the software early.

I say don't give into those kids who see a way to rip TGC off, do what should have been done in the first place.

Stop listening to people whine about the ice cream.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:12
The EA terms also said. EA buyers will receive the V1 AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.
Now this thread is going off topic, this thread is meant as a helpful suggestion thread, so if you don’t mind, I would like it to stay that way.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:15
And Just as the note, simply deducting from shipping is the only thing that makes sense. And ONLY what you lost based on your country.

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:20
All such threads will be locked when TGC have come to a final decision. They are a waste of space when they have done so.

There is already an official thread started by TGC where people have had and still have an opportunity to say what they want about pricing.

No need for another thread.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:27 Edited at: 4th Aug 2005 06:41
it's also rude to refuse a gift (unwritten law). But I can also see where Merrenvo dosn't like this, and I must say, I am a bit uneasy about the whole deal. But I also don't agree that we would be ripping off TGC because they won't have "lost" money, they just won't have gained any either, and seeing as my pockets are quite empty (just about to buy Treemagik any second) I would love to have some extra models free .

I think I'm going to make a list of things I want to see in V2 or just in additional packs:

1) Redwall model pack!
2) Allies code
3) Additional FPI codes
4) More models
5) Mideveil model category
6) Modern model category
7) More random models (kitchen utensils, garage stuff, more apliances.)
8) Better MP games
9) As many game screens as the we want
10) Hmm, how about a whole Redwall category!
11) Oh, I forgot! We need more model formats! And we need an easier way to make them FPSC compatable, I'm tired of sitting at my comp for hours and getting no where!

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:30
Quote: "There is already an official thread started by TGC where people have had and still have an opportunity to say what they want about pricing.

No need for another thread."

The thread you are referring to was started by TGC, and was regarding the price, however it did go the way of the compensation route, however I thought it would be a good subject for desiccation, and maybe bring an end to what appears to be getting blown out of all peroration.

So if any mods out there think this thread is pointless, then by all means lock it, I don't want to be a waste of space, or is it too late.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:34
Model Packs sell on the concept that a lot of people will buy it so it levels out... it is not the cost of each individual model that determines the price of the model pack.

Now there are APOX 500 EA'rs (like 350 read rich's no reply sticky, then you have the n00bs that don't read anything... it levels out).

Even then, the price of the model pack is not the same as the amount of money lost.

Well I refuse it...
*Merranvo stares at the models, his mouth starts watering*
Aww... the hard part of refusing is maintaining...
*puppydog eyes*

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 06:38
thats what I thought, well someones gotta do it, an' I'd rather it be you instead of me, come on now, stiffen the lower lip, you'l make it through this teptation... one way or another

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

Swhale aka The FPS Creator
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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 08:06
you stole my ice cream analogy, lol, it was the terms that we got the EA before and that was the deal, but they also said at no extra charge, i couldnt care any less, its just the point.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2005 08:12
Blame A1, He whined about me useing the word 'crack' I like using that to describe people. If you want to get more then what you are paying for you are "A very greedy person".

Blasting, Shooting, and Maiming. Aspects of Modern Gamming.
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 07:37
Lets get on topic and post a list off improvements that be nice to see in the future.

Somthing that would be sweet is to have C++ code enabled, tho I don't think it would happen, it would still be cool.

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 10:06
The compensation is the Royalty Free License. Remember when we all bought the EA and said, we would like to see what the license will be to sell a game? Well lo and behold. Yes some of you will feel that the $5 or $10 or what ever amount in your local currency you should get more. TGC has been very nice in giving the license. Do you really want to demand more or to stop and look at the facts. You have been using the EA for a few months now ahead of anyone else that could have purchased it. Is the time worth the extra amount you paid. I think so.
You now have a leap on everyone else who will buy V1 when it comes out.
Think about that.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 19:13
Quote: "TGC has been very nice in giving the license."

That is because they are British. Only a Brit firm could run a company this way. We try to be fair to everyone. Could you imagine Bill Gates intervening and trying to keep the customers happy???

I know this is on a different scale from Microsoft, but Jeeezus H Christ what is a few quid\dollars\euros\pesatas\lira????

Some of you are kids on pocket money. But by the time V1 is released 2 or more pocket money (allowance) dates would have passed.

Stop whingeing! Some of you need a smacked arse (ass).

Sheeete, I am normally a ghoster but some of you doing my head in.............
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 22:05 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 22:07
Quote: "Sheeete, I am normally a ghoster but some of you doing my head in............."

By the looks of things, that doesn't seem hard to do.

Once more, I an not saying or moaning about the price deference, no, no, no, no, I am just asking what you would like in the way of compensation, which has been mentioned by The TGC team, some have asked for stuff they would like to see in the V2 version, well guys thanks but there is a place for those suggestions too, so if we cant reply to the title of this thread, don’t reply.[b]

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 22:22 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 22:24
Fire Extingisher............Check
Extra Propane..............Check
50 Tons of Propane......Check

*Cauks Flame Thrower*

"Let's Do This"


Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 07:40
harr harr! Get 'im Merry!

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 10:18 Edited at: 6th Aug 2005 10:19
I am NOT a little animal who lives in holes in the ground. (Other Wise Known as a Hobbit) Take Back that insult, The Anti-Mods are strong! 2 Members Strong!!! (Not including Aiko)

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
Roger Wilco
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 14:40
The Anti-mods is a silly movement that we don't care about.

By the way, "Read the bible and ask for forgiveness"? "Become american before bashing"? That's THE wussiest counter-attack I've ever read. XD

One thing to look forward to:
The day FPSC v 1 is released
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 19:01
You won't think so when a bolt of lightning hits you... and it will to if you don't repent!

When FPSC gets good enough, lets make a Redwall game!

MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 21:03
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 00:45
Wilco... The whole Anti-Mod is just something I have for fun, nothing really serious.

And I wasn't here to start a flamewar, I was here to inform this guy that he is heading down the wrong path. If he wants to continue this, then fire.

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 01:17 Edited at: 7th Aug 2005 01:22
Quote: "
And I wasn't here to start a flamewar, I was here to inform this guy that he is heading down the wrong path. If he wants to continue this, then fire."

And Merranvo, what gives you the right to tell anyone where they are heding, the last time I looked, you are not anything to do with me, or a person of any importance, so I need you advise like I need another tour of duty, you are a silly little kid, that will wake up one day, and the real world will hit you, and you will have no mummy to run and cry too.

Tell me, If you went to McDonalds, or another fast food chain you may like, the person said to you, hay this food is on the house, I bet my lifes savings, you would not say. hell no, I want to pay, this may interfere with profits, I'm not greedy like all the guys on the TGC forum, You are so full of Garbage, and I am being polite.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2005 22:37
i think you all should stop moaning and thank the tgc for there hard work and then say thank you i would like, more media for my games if you are giving it away then this is very kind of you.

also us EA versions saved them so much hard work which means that they release version 1 quicker which in turn makes them more money quicker.

so when they offered this it was a thank you so most of you have just slapped them in the face with a wet fish and then said i dont want ya gift.... think about it..

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Posted: 8th Aug 2005 23:03
I'me quite happy with things the way they are,i think its underpriced as it is.(i think you should stop moaning & be happy with a very good product.(but thats just my opinion)


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Posted: 9th Aug 2005 00:57
Aone... stop pushing it.

And I hold firm on my choice to buy the models pack, it was only offered because of a bunch of children (like you) whined about not being special, and how they should get special treatment because they bought EA.

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
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Posted: 9th Aug 2005 03:59 Edited at: 9th Aug 2005 04:00
Quote: "Rick V has pointed out that the EA buyers will be compensated for the support they have all shown for the last few months, or the pricing, which ever you prefer, anyway, some suggestions have been made, but what would you like to see, by way of an additional gift, lets try and help TGC out with some serious ideas"

This is how I started this post, it was meant to be helpful to TGC, I dont see any evidence of whining, so I have pasted it here, so maybe that one brain cell of yours, can get it, it's not whining.
Secondly, I am probilly old enough to be your father, so the Child, that would be you.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

Lost in Thought
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Posted: 9th Aug 2005 04:22
I am going to stay away from this from now on, but I do know that being grown and being a child has little to do with your age and alot to do with the way you act in the world. It really would be best if this got locked (or most posts deleted) as well as the pricing thread as they are both pretty useless with the posts they contain.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2005 04:24
Well said, Lost in Thought, This post has now gone ga ga, and has nothing to do with the original reason for starting it, mods please lock.

Toshiba,3.2Ghz,ATI Radeon 9000 IGP 128mb,1.2gig of Ram,Windows XP Home.

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