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FPSC Classic Product Chat / A couple of quick questions concerning V1, if possible.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 02:34
I have the EA version, and have been away for a while so I don't know whether this was ever answered.

In the EA version when you build a game, every level has to be recompiled every time even if you only had to change 1 level. Lee had said he was looking at a way to only have to recompile the changed level but I don't know whether that functionality will be included in V1. It would be mighty inconvenient to have a 50 level game and have to recompile all levels just because level 34 needed an adjustment!

So, does anyone know if this is implemented for V1?
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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 04:10 Edited at: 5th Aug 2005 04:12

Both your specific subject point and the Editor build time for test run compile/delete required constantly each time you need do so during you level building sessions which suffers from similar difficulties is a major hold back and waste of user developer time and productivity and we are all aware of the frustration of waiting for all categories of compile to complete.

It would seem that it is not really a very efficient system and something we could all do without. I doubt there would be many that would disagree that we would like to see some improvement of this situation. Thougn I am not into taking responses to that.

I am unaware personally that any major change to the current situation is planned for V1 at least - though I cannot speak directly for TGC and may be incorrect.

Anyway I have made a request at the Beta Testing forum for this issue (compile) in a very wide sense of perspective to be considered for some attention as I beleieve it to be of some major importance and value to all FPSC users.

There are unfortunately many issues that are being given attention in the run up to the release of V1 and quite a number which are of importance to the actual workings of the software and many other function/feature issues too. Therefore I cannot say what priority TGC will give to this issue if any. However I have brought the issue to the TGC attention again even though it has been spoken of numerous times in posts at this forum, now probably lost and forgotten.

No more can I do.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 04:51
Thanks for the reply. It still looks great, with my only reservation being the time factor. And to be honest, it isn't much of a reservation. It is something I can live with for now, and will hold out hope that it gets improved in time.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 06:18
I have only used the demo and it worked rediculously slow when creating the map to test play. My computer has 512MB RAM which is the minimum for the EA version (and hopefully V1 and up.) Is this the cause of the slowness? Do you recomend i get 1GB RAM? about how much smoother would it run? I dont have much cash so is it worth it? I'm not a computer person so could some one tell my what computer part ram is associated with. so if i do choose to upgrade to 1GB RAM i can search for it easier. Thank you

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