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FPSC Classic Product Chat / New Entities

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Joined: 21st Jul 2005
Location: Behind u- thats where a rangers gonna be
Posted: 5th Aug 2005 07:32
In the promo videos for V1, there appear to be some new entities (boulders, etc.). Does anyone have any idea of what new entities there will be in V1, if any? Or can BETA testers and such not talk about that due to their NDA?

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 22:21
I would imagine, What you see is what you get.

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Posted: 5th Aug 2005 22:25
Non-Disclosure Agreement SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
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Location: Behind u- thats where a rangers gonna be
Posted: 6th Aug 2005 01:59
Like the new sig, Merranvo.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 01:16
I would suggest that it is reasonable to expect that any of the items that you see in any demo and such like you see released by TGC may well be distributed with version V1 as they will already exist - if I can put it that way.

Of course that is no guarantee that it will be the case.

As far as I am aware there are not any other entity items specifically being created by TGC to add to the V1 release, but that may well be just because I am unaware of any.

There is still some time left of course for additional entities to make their way in - though as said I personally dont know if its planned.

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