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FPSC Classic Product Chat / No Multiplayer Physics, NOOOO!

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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 12:29
Okay I heard theres multiplayer, YES!!
But NO physics!

I whould love physics in multiplayer!

When under fire you can jump behind a box. And the player playing against you will shoot of the boxes youre'e behind one-by-one. Seeing if you dont do anything, you will die, you grab a box trow the opposition and run for your life! Now Thats Multiplayer FUN!

PLEEZE, try to get physics in the multiplayer
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 12:56
While multiplayer physics would be fun, i reckon it would put a major strain on the server. Plus, multiplayer is always frantic, so most people will barely notice it's not there.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 14:32
They probally wont see it, but without realising in a multiplayer game you actualy say in your head: "Wow! great effects,Look at the boxes fly!" and then "this game's graphics is great I'll suggest it to all my friends!" And the $$$cha-ching$$$ starts coming in.
Not many poeple realize this but its the small things that matter
Like gun sounds,pointers,bullet holes,blood splats,physics and so on..
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 19:27
True, it would strain the server ... but I would love to see it on there it would help create an amazing online experience. Could you guys give us the option eg. when creating a multiplayer level a checkbox for physics? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease???
Anyone else who wants them please post here as well!
Sorry but I feel another comparrison with Valve games coming on ... HL2 Deathmatch and CS:source both allow online physics!
Please give us a multiplayer physics option!

This post wast made by JamesEvs.
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 20:48
You said it JamesEvs! If we even want to compare at HL:2 UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2005 and stuff like that we need multiplayer physics, I know this isn't the engine they used in those games but I'm sure it's possible to make this engine as good as those games engines, and the checkbox idea is great .Multiplayer physics will slow down the game a bit but it's worth it! So Post Your Messages Here BECAUSE WE NEED MULTIPLAYER PHYSICS
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 6th Aug 2005 20:56
I would rather not have physic in mp cus lagg really sucks. You would also be able to larger maps with a more stable framerate. But I'm up if the was a option to have physics in mp for those who want it. Not like I have a good pc to even run single player physics. I cant run halo 1 on it.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 00:07 Edited at: 7th Aug 2005 00:10

Physics and MP.

You are wrong to suggest that most peole are unaware of effects going on around them while gameplay goes on and the effect that that has on the player subconsciously even though they dont stop or have the time to admire whats going on during play.

Needless to say We all, TGC included would love to see Physics and many additional special effects features and alike allowed into MP.

However, TGC have said and I have also posted numerous responses to this question here at the forum...

Physics and some other features are not included in MP so that speed of gameplay is maintained. Physics is a major drain on any kind of FPSC game.

It wont be included not in V1 at least and you wont be given the option to include it as its just completely unrealistic from that point of view. Your game would grind to a halt or at least become unplayable....

There will be no choice for the user. Its not that TGC are unkind or unaware - in fact the opposite is true. TGC are in possesion of the facts behind the decision and the decison is based upon the facts of the reality of where the engine stands at the moment and the capabilities of the same.

In such time as it may be possible to include Physics to MP then additionally it would require much recoding to accommodate this. This is now simply impossible at this stage as release of V1 draws near.

It really is a no go at the moment for you wont have Physics in V1 MP. Its not on the Agenda, not on the cards, not even being contemplated.

End of story. Sorry.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 13:40
Yes I know, Not in V1. But maybe later! The way things are changing! I mean 4,5 years ago if we heard 64 mb vidio card we freaked out! In 3 years we'll probally be able to run 4 fpsc games at once.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 18:08
Well I geuss multiplayer physics would have been a nice idea ... oh well

Pleassssssssse give us the option for multiplayer physics! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 20:11
Dude, how will you run these 4 FPS games at once?

Ohh NOOOOO, in FPS 1 someone is shooting me...
WAIT I am much farther ahead in FPS 4 and they are ROCKETING me...
But I really want to beat FPS 2 and they are nading me...
I don't care that much about FPS 3, but look what they did to my ride...

DUDE explodes in attempt to control 4 FPS' at once.

And 4-5 years ago, some people had those cards, but they were VERY expensive home made cards. Just as now-a-days people have 1GB cards, home made, electical draining, heat producing. but works.
The card isn't what control's physics... it is the processor

And I think that HL and CS may have cheated with their physics engine (Sorry If I am wrong). Physics will slow down the server because it is really a VERY complex algorithm. Letting that algorithm unfold on one person's computer="BIG TIME CHEATING". So it has to be server side that the algorithm runs... so HL is using fake physics, not newtonian physics...

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 21:53
multiplayer physics is pointless.
Why would you want to slow down the programme when all you want to do is frag people?
Trust me, you don't notice it gone when your running around custom levels fragging your friends.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2005 00:29 Edited at: 8th Aug 2005 00:54
I'll take your word for it

And Merranvo I didn't mean you actually play 4 fps games at once. Just that computers will be good enough to run that much games without slowing down. But I think you will explode trying to play 4 fps games at once!

Although I haven't tried it.

Okay,tried it. Take my word for it DONT DO IT!
I Now look like this:and a litte like this: and a bit like this: and this and in fps no. 4 i looked like this-> You still with me?
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Posted: 8th Aug 2005 00:54
I despise multiplayer so it's no lost to me at all.

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David T
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Posted: 10th Aug 2005 19:08
I reckon there's no physics in MP because the physics is calculated entirely client side. While it's easy to relay player positions and angles, it's much harder to relay the position of every single entity in the world as you'd have to do.

It also brings up the question - according to whom? Everybody'll have their own version of events nad the physics will amplify that. You'd have to choose one player to listen to regarding physics. But then others might experience glitches. Etc etc.

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come on now. A book. I hate books. book is stupid. I know that I need codes but I dont know the codes"
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Posted: 10th Aug 2005 19:25
All the physics would be the same. The glitches would come from lag. But if you have a lag it will be messed up anyway. If the host has a good connection and does all physics processing, it could work. I just wouldn't expect a whole bunch of movable objects. I like the idea of having bridges that could be blown up or opening giant gates in MP. I think physics would be great for all kinds of apps that would be small, but add to the XP.

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