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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Title Screen Question

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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 08:06
Does ne one know exactly what you would have on the title screen in a V1 Game? Right now I am thinking it is this:

New Game
Load Game

Not really sure, but thats what I am thinkin.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 19:58
multi-plr is a seprate exe. Thus will not be included on the main screen.

I haven't heard that much on saving, we need this, but it is still underdevelopment (seriouly, you guys don't understand the complexity of a save game... you have to save your health, enemys health, your location and weapons, enemys location and weapons + ALL enemy's location and health. Some games go an extra step and save blood spatter. Saving is a VERY big array. Doing it effeicntly is a problem)

Merranvo, taking over the net, one forum at a time.
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Posted: 7th Aug 2005 20:40
Agreed. In fact, some of my games take a long time to make just because of the Save/Load function.

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Roger Wilco
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Posted: 10th Aug 2005 21:22
You could always make a quickstart-application inThe Games Factory or any other similar program. That's what I'm gonna do when I get my FPSC games together.

One thing to look forward to:
The day FPSC v 1 is released
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Posted: 10th Aug 2005 21:29
Why not give games check points and then they could be loaded at the last crossed checkpoint w/ full health or whatever. and strategically place them after big battles so people don't abuse them to cheat past them. You could make an activation point (forgot what they're called) to save a new start point. Would that work?

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 01:44
Quote: "You could always make a quickstart-application inThe Games Factory or any other similar program. That's what I'm gonna do when I get my FPSC games together. "

I didn't know you could do that with TGF. I've made tons of games with that. How do you get it to lauch an exe?


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