Hey SDK users
Seems quite in this forum? I guess everyone is doing the same as me, i.e. sat down with a C++ book
Seriously, anyone up to anything that's going to show off the SDK? Or.. any dates for the next update?
p.s. while I'm here, does anyone know how you print out hoe many objects are in a list using dbText? i.e. I have a list (via the joys of STL) of game objects and I want to know how many I've spawned. I loop the list using an iterator, something like this..
for(iter i = objlist.begin() ; i != objlist.end() ; i++)
// Blah!!!
..and I tried to do dbText(10,10,dbStr(objlist.end)), but I don't think the .end can cast to a string. But then, I'm new to this
Maybe there is a total or size thang that I'm missing.
Cheers in advance!