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Mr Flowerkohl
Years of Service
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Joined: 19th Jan 2005
Location: Deutschland - Germany
Posted: 9th Aug 2005 16:11
Sorry, i dont know the english word for it ^^ i want to know the facts about following :

1) How can you make a completely unique Enemy model or weapon model with their own skins and behaviour ? I just dont get it. This should really be improved for V1 ! and beneath...the X file format is not really the best for 3d games. Couldnt TGC take md2 or md3 or xsi ? ^^

yeah...thats it. I guess my head explodes in a few minutes . I am trying for more than a week now, to get my model and the skin of it proper into fpsc. nope ! and what the...mean those numbers down in the fpe file ? animation paths ????? this should really be easier. please please please

yeah...thats the ticket !

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