I wanted to throw some GUI buttons into my DLL that would show up on the black screen of the Dark Basic Pro Window.
I was told I needed to use the Windows SetParent API command to do this. I researched around and I only came up with this:
I need to use these two commands:
1. FindWindow(Program, dunno)
2. SetParent(child, parent)
I have no idea exactly how they work but I thought maybe this would work.
DBPWindow := FindWindow('dbp_program.exe',nil);
Windows.SetParent(application.handle, DBPWindow);
Well DBP didn't crash when I did that. I just don't know how I would get GUI buttons onto the screen by doing that.
Button := TButton.CreateParented(DBPWindow);
Doing that didn't work either.
When I create a button for a form entirely through code I normally do this to get it to appear.
Button := TButton.CreateParented(application);
Button.Parent := TFormname;
That is the only way I know how to make a button appear on a form entirely through code. I don't want it on a form this time. I want it on the black screen of DBP.
If anyone knows how to get buttons on the DBP screen and is willing to share the info with me, please let me know.
The Lone Programmer
"Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze"
-The Girl Next Door