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FPSC Classic Product Chat / I need some help ..

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Joined: 10th Aug 2005
Location: California
Posted: 11th Aug 2005 05:11
Well, I just started with the Demo thing i would like some Help..So when i do buy the full version i can know it, here are the questions
1. What do trigger zones do?
2. How do i make Skies in the game, so it's like an outside sky in daytime
3. Why do when i put a light, When its gonna test, it doesnt work?
4. Can u do a level in the demo and make that 1 level a game?
5. How do you make NPC's, insteada just enemies
( If i need more help i will edit this if possible )

Biolistic will be my FPS..Maybe
Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 06:20
please use the search engine before asking some of these questions and read a FAQ.

I would reply but I'm too tired. I will leave it to someone else. Sorry.
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 06:31 Edited at: 11th Aug 2005 06:32
Got you covered Jordan. Heres the answeres

1) Trigger zones. Say when the player reaches a certain point and you want something to happen. Trigger zones are just like sound zones and heal zones. Sound zones and heal zones are just preset trigger points. Get it now? sweet.

2)You can change the skys under the build game options in global settings. Need more specific instuckions, just ask.

3)There is no lightmapping(lights) in test mode. Testing is meant to get a layout of your level.

4)Don't know I haven't messed around with the demo, I just have the EA. But if you mean making a one level game, That is completely possible.

5)You mean like frienlies or allies. You cannot do that with the EA or in V1 unfortunatley.

I hoped this answered your questions. Feel free to ask more,
DA ChieF

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Posted: 11th Aug 2005 06:43
Yeeah, About Number 2, I do need some more specific instructions, Thx.

Biolistic Warfare, It's War + Bio - Experiments, When an experiment goes out of hand, Hell Brakes Loose.
( Biolistic Warfare - The game, coming out somewhere near July 2006 )
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Location: California
Posted: 11th Aug 2005 19:17
Another questionIt wont let me edit my posts)
6. How can i make the map bigger, like so that way i can have a longer level.
7.How can i make like Bio Samples do something, Like if i give em to somebody somehow ( I dont know how ) I get something, like a new and crap.

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